Clearly alcoholic beverages sold by this store are less likely too have the often seen negative affect than a good old pie or donut...ha ha...nah.
Oh yes ! its not what we are drinking, its how we are drinking...that though is exactly the problem for a great many people nowdays.
We have two fine women in the community suggesting that there be some form of curfew put in place in Merivale.
Our young are at risk and even moreso when there is a wholesaler that is oh so keen on 'providing' for the community.
In the article it is mentioned that there were very few who opposed the trading hours.I would suggest that were that to be reviewed now there would be a great many opposing this business and its trading hours.
Anybody in Merivale care that this business is only concerned with selling a product whch will see the community suffer adversely ? Yes...many do and I would propose a boycott of this store.They trade near a school,they are open hours that will allow easy access too a legal drug (alcohol) that will mean that the community will suffer.
They, the owners will not suffer...they will make a great deal of money.They do not care that you,me or others cannot drink responsibly...Some can, many sadly cannot.
Kinda historical I know yet perhaps fitting...Just prior to the French Revolution,the then Princess Marie Antoinette said to the peasants..."Let them eat cake"...this was her suggestion and illustrated that she knew nothing of the suffering of ordinary folk.
The Duty Manager working for this Wholesaler has inferred that the 'cakes' at the bakery in Merivale are what ?!
They are just as bad as alcohol as they contribute to obesity ?
Becoming overweight is unhealthy...becoming intoxicated due to the wonderful civic mindedness, yeah right ! of this business and it 'oh so handy' hours and location will be a lot worse.
Support Merivale...purchase booze elsewhere.