A $1 million boost from the government will enable Zespri to further develop its health strategy by providing scientific evidence into whether kiwifruit can help better manage blood glucose levels.
Last week Plant & Food Research was awarded the grant from the Ministry of Business and Innovation's High Value Nutrition fund.
Zespri health and nutrition innovation leader Dr Juliet Ansell said kiwifruit had powerful health benefits and "this is the basis of the company's consumer communications in the 54 countries around the world in which Zespri kiwifruit is sold."
"Our research shows that the more consumers know about the health benefits of kiwifruit, the more likely they are to see kiwifruit as an important nutritious addition to the daily diet. We want to build on our base of loyal, regular consumers who value the health benefits they get from eating kiwifruit."
Health marketing was increasingly important when taking into account global trends towards an aging population, rising middle classes in developing countries and increasing interest in healthy living, she said.