Environmentalists are hitting out at Government plans to tweak the Resource Management Act to remove Bay of Plenty council control of the release of genetically engineered trees in the region.
Green Party forestry spokesperson Steffan Browning said communities in the Bay as well as Northland and Hawke's Bay will lose their right of protection under proposed legislation that would replace existing plan rules for many plantation forestry activities.
If implemented, the National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry would replace councils' existing district and regional plan rules for managing plantation forestry.
However, Mr Browning said communities such as those in the Bay of Plenty should be alarmed as the proposed standard could still allow genetic engineering plus sedimentation from land disturbance "that will continue to wreck fisheries habitats and spawning grounds".
The standard was proposed by Environment Minister Dr Nick Smith and Associate Primary Industries Minister Jo Goodhew at Paengaroa Forest last week. Tauranga Mayor Stuart Crosby said New Zealand was grossly over-regulated in many aspects and a national standard would provide a constant regulation.