Local families and supporters of the dunes at Waihi Beach planted 1400 spinifex and pingoa in one of the five dune areas cordoned off at the North End of Waihi Beach on Sunday.
Within two hours the plants were all in by young and old, families of Waihi Beach area, and some from nearby towns. One keen man had recently had a hip operation and he too was "on the job to do his bit for the community".
Waihi Beach dunes have had much community discussion since the workshop with Gregg Jenks, coastal restoration specialist at Coastal Management Systems from University of Lincoln in February.
He described the unhealthy status of these dunes and it has been all hands on deck since then.
Coast Care Bay of Plenty Regional Council's Chris Ward and Mike Bonner were there implementing a plan to recreate new and stronger dunes in liaison with community leader of dunes Jim Cowern and the local volunteer groups.