A water bottling plant has applied to take up to 5000 cubic metres groundwater a day from an existing bore in Otakiri, in the Eastern Bay of Plenty
Creswell NZ Limited has applied for resource consent from the Bay of Plenty Regional Council to take and use groundwater for water bottling purposes, undertake earthworks associated with the expansion of the existing water bottling plant, discharge stormwater and treated process water to water, and discharge treated wastewater effluent to land.
It wants to take a maximum volume of 5000 cubic metres per day of groundwater from an existing bore on the property and a new bore recently drilled for water bottling.
There is an existing resource consent which authorises the consent holder to take 158m3/day of groundwater at a rate of 2.74 litres per second (l/s) for irrigation purposes, 1,580m3/day of groundwater at a rate of 44l/s for frost protection purposes and 1,200m3/day of groundwater at a rate of 13.9l/s for water bottling purposes.
An expansion/redevelopment of the current water bottling facility known as Otakiri Springs is also proposed and the company is seeking consent for earthworks.
The Bay of Plenty Regional Council announced it will publicly notify the resource consent application made by Creswell New Zealand.