How to be happy? It's a big question. If you reflect on it for a moment, you might even consider it the biggest question we face both individually and collectively. And even though it seems quite simple, solving that particular chestnut is right up there with world hunger and climate change.
This week while waiting for a flight I reached for a self-help book instead of the usual mind-numbing Woman's Day, and unlike every other self-help book I've ever purchased with high expectations I actually started reading it. Even better - it was good!
It was called The Happiness Project and documents the journey one fairly typical first world woman travels to identify and achieve happiness.
I'm only up to chapter one and this is an opinion column not a book review, so I won't go into details, other than to say I'm excited ... and that makes me feel happy. Not a bad result so far.
This week something else unusual also happened to me. Instead of rushing out of my studio for a takeaway coffee and keeping my head down to avoid being delayed by bumping into people I know, I sat outside a new cafe and sipped my coffee languidly in the winter sunshine with my head held high.