Labour Party leader Chris Hipkins is in blue territory today, visiting Tauranga to showcase housing and health initiatives he says have benefited the city.
Hipkins started at a community housing development at Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks, which uses renewable energy to generate electricity.
He was accompanied by Labour MPs Jan Tinetti and Megan Woods and Labour candidate for Bay of Plenty, Pare Taikato.
The next stop was a Kāinga Ora development in Doncaster Drive, Pāpāmoa to mark the completion of 41 public houses.
Chris Hipkins visits a Kainga Ora development to mark the completion of 41 public houses in Pāpāmoa. Photo / Alex Cairns
Resident Priscilla Wielders said moving into a Kāinga home in March had “changed my life”. Her husband was disabled and in a wheelchair and their new home was designed to be fully accessible .
She said Labour had “clearly delivered” on its promises to build public homes, though she had still not decided who to vote for, she said
Hipkins visits Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Inc
Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Inc is a Registered Housing Provider and has a range of rental and licence-to-occupy homes, as well as land developments, horticulture and agriculture interests alongside a partnership with Pacific Coast Village and Pacific Lakes Retirement Village.
Chris Hipkins at Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks, which is using renewable energy to generate electricity. Photo / Alex Cairns
However, its renewable energy to generate electricity was under the spotlight this morning as Hipkins was given the rundown on how that was a sustainable and viable option for homes.
Tenant Rhapsody Cooper said her power bill had gone from $800 a month to $25 with the solar power panels.
“The kids have noticed it and are on board now I can spend more money on groceries, I love it.
“I have 16 panels on my 4-bedroom home. Now I can run my dryer all day it’s awesome.”
Woods said it was all about people being able to afford their power bills .
“We want to build future generations.
“Other whānau members said not having to worry about big power bills had removed so much stress from their lives and hardship.”
Over the past three financial years, Kāinga Ora has added 251 homes to its Tauranga housing portfolio including acquiring most of Tauranga City Council’s elder housing villages.
Its plans to the end of June 2025 would see about a further 190 homes of various sizes in planning or construction.