If 18 and 19 year olds around the country were turning cartwheels at Thursday's parliamentary decision, let's hope they were being supervised by a fully-trained gymnastics coach.
In yet another example of PC gone mad, an Australian primary school banned cartwheels, somersaults and forward rolls because they pose a risk to children. While the news was reported with incredulity here in New Zealand, is it so unbelievable given that already in Tauranga, some schools are banning hugs? Even playdough is under threat. Although Tauranga kindergartens have as yet imposed no playdough ban, as Amy McGillivray reported this week, its use is debated. Kindergarten Association head Peter Monteith told Amy that anyone "concerned about its use" should talk to their local iwi or hapu.
Is there really anyone "concerned" about playdough use? Maybe they could contact their MP who could start a campaign on it.
If playdough is banned, save the cookie cutters because there sure are some cookies out there thinking they know what is best for children. No wonder the kids can't wait to have a drink.