People seem to think that in a supposed equalitarian society like New Zealand, we all have equal opportunities at school, and thus the choices presented to us are equal.
We also attribute crime to poverty. When our car is broken into, or our houses burgled, it fuels our disdain and contempt for those who have "failed" to achieve in our theoretically classless society.
Ms Berentson-Shaw argues that there are aspects in which all New Zealanders are equal.
As parents, if we have the means to do so, we will spend money to improve the lives of our children.
Statistics New Zealand figures show that whether we are rich or poor, we spend the same proportion of our income on booze.
Additional research cited by Berentson-Shaw says that a family's main motivation was their children, but also the basics of food, accommodation and transport.
British research indicated when money was available, spending on alcohol and tobacco actually reduced, the money instead going towards footwear, books and holidays for children.
It should hardly be surprising that parents think of their children first.
What needs to change is that stereotypical assumption that those in poverty are inherently a bunch of no-hopers.
Some people aren't as successful as others.
But if their primary focus is on their children, and money is available, then the success of the next generation helps eliminate that continual poverty cycle.