When I get home from work, my 10-year-old has "our" homework waiting. Last week, "we" had to write the nativity story. Easy - having been to convent school, this is one I can write in my sleep.
Two hours later, we were still struggling. The shepherds and the stable were not the problem, but we had to compose it on Google Drive, chatting live to other classmates who were all contributing.
It is great schools are integrating technology into the curriculum in this way. I'm glad my children are already more competent in digital devices and applications than I ever will be, but I also worry what they may miss out on.
For many people in their 30s and younger, the internet is now "their life", reported Ellen Irvine in the Bay of Plenty Times Weekend. Mucking around for long periods on the internet is affecting people's sleep time, relationships and even sanity.
My 8-year-old son would happily play all day, if I let him, on a computer game called Minecraft, building complex virtual worlds of villages and buildings and islands.