It seems to me that driver error is one of the biggest issues on that road.
As drivers, we all need to remember we are responsible for the lives of other motorists, our passengers and ourselves every time we get behind the wheel.
We need to avoid distractions and be sensible about our speeds - too fast and too slow can both be dangerous.
Too often, frustrated drivers stuck behind slow cars make poor decisions and overtake in dangerous places.
The fault lies with both parties, in my opinion.
If you are not comfortable driving the speed limit, that's fine, but be considerate and pull over if you notice a queue of traffic behind you.
If you are stuck behind a slow driver, keep calm and wait until there is a safe place to pass.
A safe following distance can also save lives. You never know what's up ahead, so those precious extra seconds to slow down can make all the difference.
Now I'm all for making the road as safe as possible and work is under way to do just that. The Government is spending millions of dollars on safety measures - adding median barriers or slip lanes and widening parts of the road.
All that helps, but only so much can be done.
A median barrier might stop a car crossing into the path of oncoming traffic but it won't stop that car from crashing.
As long as humans are behind the wheel, there will always be mistakes. Unfortunately, some of those mistakes cost lives.
It's up to us to drive sensibly.