Bay retailers are certainly doing it tough.
And it seems shoppers could be doing a little bit more to help by taking a more measured approach to how they shop.
Yesterday the Bay of Plenty Times reported that the developer who had signed up for plans to build a an internationally-branded $38 million hotel in downtown Tauranga had decided to walk away from the project because the economics no longer stacked up.
The hotel, planned to have been built on land opposite Baycourt in Durham St, was one of the key planks of the plan to reinvigorate the city centre, along with redeveloping The Strand waterfront.
The project is now in limbo with the council due to hold a special meeting next month on how it can try to breathe new life back into the project. The fact it has now been placed on ice is another blow for the city's already struggling retail sector, which City Centre project manager Duarne Lankshear describes as going through "an extraordinarily hard time".