Unless you are a boy under 10, David Attenborough or someone who drives an electric car and drinks kale juice, I am sure you would agree with me that bugs are horrific.
I am one of those people who runs screaming from anything small, black and crawling - or the worst - oozing slime.
Come summer, I am rarely without a can of Black Flag at arm's reach, and douse myself and the kids in insect repellent each night.
The ants in the pantry have put me on an enforced diet as I cannot face their aggressive marching, and the sight of a cockroach will get me running out of the house screaming.
I am not alone. Our eduction reporter Sonya Bateson tells me she is so scared of cockroaches that when she was a student and saw one in her room, her mum had to drive all the way from Whakatane to get rid of it.