An additional 341 houses are to be fast-tracked in two developments under way at Papamoa in a bid to meet the skyrocketing demand for new homes in the coastal suburb.
Tauranga City Council has agreed to ask the Government to extend two Special Housing Areas already approved for the Golden Sands and Palm Springs subdivisions.
Bluehaven Holdings applied for another 273 houses on 17.2 hectares of Golden Sands while Hawridge Developments sought an additional 68 houses on 5.7ha of Palm Springs.
The council's decision was despite community opposition, with many objecting to allowing building heights of up to 17.5 metres on 5.6ha of Golden Sands.
Council policy planner Janine Speedy said it was moving further east, with the area of Golden Sands already approved for building heights up to 17.5m. The shift was to an area beside the planned town centre. She said residents feared they would lose their views of Papamoa Hills, but this would not happen because of the bund (embankment) that had already been constructed.