A fed-up Mayor Stuart Crosby will "defend the city" against proposed law changes he fears will stifle development, increase rates, and put facilities such as libraries and pools at risk.
He will travel to Auckland on March 7 and appear before a select committee where he plans to hammer home Tauranga City Council's strong objection to proposed housing development legislation.
Housing Minister Nick Smith's amendment bill to the Local Government Act was created to make housing more affordable. It will change how councils can spend developer contributions and what fees they can charge.
The legislation limits what councils can charge in respect of commercial and industrial developments and means developers will no longer pay for some or all of the cost of "nice to haves" - such as community and aquatic centres, and parks for developments that do not involve residential housing.
Mr Crosby agreed with some of the proposed changes but told the Bay of Plenty Times MPs were ignorant when it came to how communities worked and it was "crude politics" to think the bill would create affordable housing.