Tauranga's makeshift Covid-19 testing centre, currently set up at the Tauranga racecourse, will be moved to Baypark from Friday. The Tauranga Community Based Assessment Centre (CBAC)opened at the racecourse last Tuesday.
"It's a case of front-footing any potential rise in the numbers seeking assessment by moving to a location which has got much greater capacity for scaling up should that be necessary," Bay of Plenty Community Based Health Services (BOPCBHS) Lead Dr Joe Bourne said in a statement today.
The opening hours for the CBAC at the new venue - Trustpower Baypark Stadium, 81 Truman Lane, Mount Maunganui – will remain the same, 9am-6pm. The existing CBAC, at Tauranga Racecourse, will close at 6pm on Thursday night.

The move comes in response to the Ministry of Health's announcement today that the case definition for those being assessed at the CBACs has been broadened.