Cafes opened for contactless pick-up at level 3 but other businesses are still in limbo. Photo / George Novak
Cafes opened for contactless pick-up at level 3 but other businesses are still in limbo. Photo / George Novak
Today is D-Day. It is the day Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is going to announce how long everywhere except Auckland is expected to stay at alert level 3.
Business owners out there are holding their breaths, I am sure.
While a move from level 4 to 3 has broughta little more freedom in the form of takeaways, contactless pick-ups and construction resuming, many businesses are still stuck in limbo.
Some we've spoken to this week said while level 3 was a welcome relief, level 2 couldn't come soon enough.
One cafe said it would not open this week despite the shift to level 3 because there was "so much uncertainty".
The owners could not afford to order and prepare food only to have to switch back into a higher alert level and lose all that time and product.
I sympathise with businesses that cannot safely operate at level 3. Physios, beauticians, hairdressers and many tourism outfits are left with no income during these higher alert levels, barely getting by.
I can't imagine how many have applied now as they do their best to survive.
I am extremely fortunate to be among those able to work from home and in fact be busier than ever during the lockdown.
For some businesses that have opened at level 3, just breaking even is a good day, Tauranga Chamber of Commerce chief executive Matt Cowley says.
Today they will be waiting with bated breath to find out just how long New Zealand, excluding Auckland, will be at level 3.
A move to level 2 would allow us so many more freedoms. Gyms will be able to open, beauticians and hairdressers or barbers will be back in action, dine-in restaurants will be operational again.
Lockdown is required to regain control over Covid while vaccination continues, but a move to level 2 would mean so much for those businesses.