Waihī Beach MenzShed now has a fully stocked community pest trap library to help bring natives back to Waihī Beach.
Live Well Waihī Beach co-ordinator Pippa Coombes says the time to act is now.
‘’The statistics are terrifying, with 25 million native birds killed each year by the target pest species. New Zealand has already lost 76 species of native bird and has the highest proportion of threatened indigenous species worldwide. Our landscape is home to many rare birds - the little blue penguin and nationally threatened Northern New Zealand dotterel, as well as a dwindling number of natives such as tui, kaka, fantails and bellbirds. And that list is not exhaustive.
“Pest trapping is a hugely important part of the sustainability of the precious treasure here at Waihī Beach. All pests have an impact. The more that can be removed, the more the native birds will flourish.”
Waihī Beach Community Board chairman Ross Goudie declared the pest trap library open last month. Waihī Beach MenzShed founder Don Fraser says it made perfect sense to house the pest trap library at the Menzshed, as it’s easily accessible and there are people on-site most of the day.