At 7pm on Christmas Eve, Williamson Park in Whangamata will again reverberate to the celebration of Christmas with Carols in the Park. Organised by the community, for the community, this will be a free event with all proceeds going to the Whangamata Foodbank.
Bigger, better, brighter, our 2022 event, with an increased community involvement, will bring all the favourites from familiar to new Christmas carols to Santa with his elves, lollies for the littlees and lucky-draw prizes for all as well as new and completely different surprise entertainment. Again the focus will be on entertainment for young, old and everyone in between!
We reckon after all the restrictions of Covid, this year's Carols in the Park will have Whangamata en masse rocking up to make it a full house - even a crowded house with tons of singing and fun for families and all. So, put the date in your diaries, start warming up the vocal chords and look forward to the biggest and brightest celebration of Christmas that Williamson Park has seen .
Choristers wanted
Carols in the Park 2022 organisers are calling for singers to join the Christmas Carols Choir. We hope to welcome back all our regulars and heaps of new choristers - young and not so young alike. Anyone interested should contact musical director Sandy Snook. She urges anyone who enjoys a sing-along to roll up and join the choir: "It will only take a few hours out of your life for a big return and you'll be making a very special contribution to the community".