BESIDES working most of the day and running around after the kids, I made the trip to the polling booth on Saturday afternoon. My boys found it fascinating that they were allowed to come along. My eldest urged me to vote for Phil Goff while the little man insisted I had to vote for John Key.
We spoke about what the Prime Minister does, what happens in Parliament, and about all that is involved when it comes to elections. They were both keen to know who I voted for, but I explained that voting was personal. They were a little annoyed about it but they just had to have peace with the fact that I kept that information to myself.
I have an interest in politics but I'm not a fan of leader debates and political campaigning. Most of it bores me to tears. I guess I usually lean left-to-centre but, like with previous elections, I was undecided until a few days before election day.
To be able to make a better informed decision, I looked up the details on the referendum on That gave me some insight into MMP. The site has a great page on the history of voting in New Zealand and with that, I learned something new.
I looked up some of the political party websites in the lead-up to voting day, and the coverage in the Bay of Plenty Times was also helpful for someone as undecided as I was. To make things even clearer, and clarity was needed, I followed most of the live chats with politicians on our website