Tauranga City Council is encouraging people to have their say on the draft 2014 to 2015 annual plan which is open for consultation until April 22.
The 2014 to 2015 draft annual plan has a 6.7 per cent general rates increase per property. This includes a proposed 4.7 per cent stormwater levy and a 2 per cent rates increase in line with inflation. The draft plan reduces council's debt and its debt-to-revenue ratio, while maintaining an A+ credit rating which provides favourable lending terms.
A summary document will be delivered to every home in the city from this weekend.
The council said they heard a clear signal for change and was proposing a range of new ways of doing things in order to control rates and debt, while investing in the city's future.
People are invited to discuss the draft plan with elected members on any of the open days around Tauranga.