An article in the Bay of Plenty Times during the week caught my attention and I felt it needed some comment.
It related to the Auckland family who were asked to leave a Mount cafe last Saturday because of the noise their 14-month-old child was making. I feel for the owners of the cafe or any cafe where they are faced with a similar dilemma. Most cafe or restaurant patrons go to these establishments to enjoy some nice food and drink plus want to be able to have a quiet conversation.
To be faced with having to compete against the yelling of a child or children is a bit too much to ask. I am on the side of the cafe owner. They have every right to ask the customers to quieten the child down or they will be forced to ask them to leave.
Most parents would be aware of the noise being made by their child and would or should take action to quieten the child - consideration for others.
Some cafes can be noisy places. Wooden or concrete floors don't make for good acoustics, add to that the noise of the coffee machine grinding and making those lovely flat whites or lattes. Then on top of all that you add in the general conversation of people and maybe some background music and suddenly the decibel level is off the scale. Then along comes mum and dad and the 14-month-old who is pretty excited about being out and gets over exuberant and starts screaming with excitement.