Inefficient learning is standard school fare
Hark, hear again that "Keep kids at school" refrain.
It heads up Labour's thinking for roping in the 24,000 disconnected 15-19 year-olds to learning or earning. Society ignores that stark statistic at its peril. Time to look properly at why so many turn off learning. One reason would cover it, school sucks and so, by association, does learning. No surprise there, inefficient learning is standard fare. Given all students have a "remarkably similar" capacity to learn, shouldn't all do about the same? Fat chance. From day one, many fail to get introduced to enough learn-to-learn skills. Their teachers are so busy being managers, those not learning well enough get lost in the blur. Over-managed learning produces dependent learners.
Denied independence, students loose initiative and drive, they never truly own their learning. Doing tasks that for 50 per cent of the time don't match their skills, their sense of achievement suffers.
What success they do attain attracts positive feedback lacking in quality/quantity. Being constantly assessed on learning that has yet to properly gel, further compounds things. What worries me is the oft-touted solution of making learning interesting, relevant and fun. It shows absolutely no understanding of what's happening. Lifting the veil on what currently passes for quality learning can't help but reveal better solutions.