Anne Mackintosh, principal of Greerton Village School, with Kaisa, one of the two school's assitance dogs. Photo/George Novak.
Anne Mackintosh, principal of Greerton Village School, with Kaisa, one of the two school's assitance dogs. Photo/George Novak.
"The best party in town".
That's how Anne Mackintosh has described her vibrant multicultural school in the heart of Greerton Village.
Mackintosh has been principal for the past 15-and-half years and despite the many challenges of her role, she says every day is a joyful experience she looks forward to.
"I absolutely adore this school," she said.
Mackintosh said Greerton Village School had a wide mix of students from at least 12 different cultural backgrounds, and also cultural diversity among the 56 teaching staff.
"What makes our school so special is the rich diversity of our wonderful kids, amazingly talented teachers, teacher aides and support staff, and our very supportive community."
"I have been attending school since I was 5 and have loved every minute of my school life ever since, including my 15-and- half years as principal here," Mackintosh said.
It's a feeling she and her staff have worked hard to pass on to the school's 390 students.
Including the 27 special education students, described by Mackintosh as "treasures" who she said were mainstreamed with the help of the school's 23 teacher aides.
"At Greerton Village School people come first. We love and value all our children, and they're at the centre of every learning decision we make."
"The kids always come first, and we never give up on anyone," she said.
Mackintosh said having fun while learning was at the heart of everything students did.
Greerton Village was a 'YES' school which stands for saying "yes" to every learning opportunity and students were encouraged to become a 'Yes kid', she said.
Greerton Village School is involved in PB4L or Positive Behaviour for Learning initiative named LEAD by the school aimed at raising students' achievement levels.
LEAD stands for Learn with Purpose, Engage with Pride, Act with Respect and Dare to Participate - a concept which encompasses the school's values and high expectations.
Mackintosh said today there was no longer a large disparity between European and Maori/ Pacifica students' academic achievements.
Positive reinforcement also features highly at Greerton Village and students always looked forward to one of Mackintosh's special envelopes being sent home to their parents.
It's the kind of approach that permeates the whole school, in and out of the classroom.
Children who demonstrate positive behaviours in the playground, and have modelled the attributes expected get singled out for praise, including at school assembly.
Being called to the principal's office was reason for celebration, Mackintosh said.
Restorative justice features highly at the school, and it was extremely rare for a child to be expelled, she said.
"We never give up on anyone," Mackintosh said.
The school also boasts three rock bands, a large kapa haka group, a Jump Jam team, two student assistance dogs, and its own radio station headed by staff member "Aunty Barr".
"We want to ensure our kids receive the best possible learning opportunities, and every day school is a bright light in their lives," Mackintosh said
"This school is the best party in town. It's a place where children and their whanau are welcomed and well supported in their learning by our tight-knit school community."
"What I like about this school is they provide us with food and milk, and teach us some really good stuff to help us in the future. Our teachers make our lessons fun."
-Lisiate Ketuu, 10.
Junior Tavalu. Photo/George Novak
"It's a friendly place. I love our huge playground especially playing on the monkey bars...Learning to get a better life in the future, especially maths so I can get smarter." - Junior Tavalu, 10.
Kiara Whaanga, 10. Photo/George Novak
"I like how we are provided with food at lunchtime and at morning tea we get milk. My class is 13A. My teacher is really fun and cool, and teaches us lots of good things."
-Kiara Whaanga,10.
Aria Hatakeyama
"What I like is how friendly all the kids are, how the teachers are really kind and I like the education here. I like how the teachers and everyone are so kind to each other." -Aria Hatakeyama,10.