If Rena's officers were accused of murder would their wives still be denied access to their husbands to console them?
Surely New Zealand is supposed to be a forward-thinking country with everything clean, green and fair-minded.
I, and any other clear-thinking person must be appalled by such bureaucratic bungling.
Come on Wellington, get if right.
T J Wood, Te Puna
Pay us a visit
The Cargo Shed (Dive Crescent, Tauranga) would like to thank J. Higginson (Letters, January 9) for her kind words on our art space, Tauranga's best-kept secret is now out.
Thank you for your support.
Please tell everyone you know to come along and see the new revised look of the Cargo Shed.
We have worked through the winter to create a boutique art venue.
The feedback we are getting from overseas visitors from cruise ships is that the venue is first rate and that they have seen nothing like it anywhere in New Zealand.
Most of the work in the shed is unique and direct from the artists who created them.
The artists are always on hand to discuss the work and some undertake commissions.
The Cargo Shed is open throughout the year on Saturdays and Sundays and days when cruise ships are in port.
We look forward to seeing you at "our place".
K Wright, Visual co-ordinator - Cargo Shed
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