Jordy Gastmeier's eyes light up as soon as we start to discuss her dog, Xina.
"I've been hoping to get her in the paper!" she exclaims.
We're here to interview Jordy about her work as Tauranga Community Foodbank's warehouse manager but it's clear from the outset Xina will need a guest-starring role.
Xina, a one-year-old Jack Russell, is certainly ready for her close-up. She runs towards us outside the foodbank with her tongue hanging out and jumps up to give us an abundance of licks as a welcome. Delivery vans are being loaded nearby. Inside, volunteers tirelessly pack Christmas food parcels for families in need.
The dynamic duo bring a sense of friendliness to the foodbank that puts clients at ease.
Jordy has had Xina almost as long as she's been at the foodbank. She started bringing her to work when she began volunteering last November. That role was one day a week.
Jordy, who volunteered at a foodbank in Wellington before moving north, became the warehouse manager in April. She works five days a week and Xina comes with her each day and spends time in Jody's office. Gastmeier regularly takes her for walks during the day.
The foodbank's warehouse manager Jordy Gastmeier enjoying a rare moment of rest with her puppy Xina. Photo / George Novak
Jordy is impressed at how close-knit the Tauranga team of volunteers are.
"We're all so different - all the volunteers, all the staff - but we all get along so well.
"It's like a real family here."
The hardest part of her role was having "so many jobs on your mind at once".
"Instead of just focusing on one thing at a time, I've got 30 things going.
"You can feel a bit like you don't have time to breathe."
Her job involves organising the inventory, keeping the warehouse stocked and tidy, managing the volunteers, and being the "go-to person" for any problems that arise.
She's always checking in with the volunteers - "making sure they're happy, checking they're not lifting things that are too heavy, just looking out for them".
Jordy and Xina make the foodbank a positive and welcoming place. Photo / George Novak
Gastmeier tries to "create a really nice environment so people enjoy coming in".
She's been a vegan since her childhood and has introduced vegan and gluten-free food parcel options for clients with dietary restrictions.
She wants to provide good quality, healthy foods and says food on a budget can still be healthy.
"I really believe that if you eat healthily, you have a healthy mind, and just feel better every day. You're sharing knowledge, and they're gonna take that away and potentially use it, or even spread the word and educate others.
"I want to be spreading positivity and not just giving people food and nothing else. I really want to make that connection."
Jordy with the contents of a vegan food parcel for one. Photo / George Novak
She is excited to come to work each day and loves helping people.
"It's just a really rewarding job."
The foodbank's manager Nicki Goodwin said Gastmeier is "so caring and thoughtful about others."
Goodwin said Gastmeier has a knack for making customers feel at ease.
"She's passionate about healthy food, so she brings something extra with her knowledge of nutrition.
"I know I can rely on her to absolutely do the best by the volunteers, the clients, and the people who donate to us. That's priceless."
Goodwin is wary of telling all of Jordy's good points "because someone else might employ her and then we'd lose her. We don't want anyone poaching her."
During our interview, Gastmeier explains how Xina, the foodbank's unofficial mascot, helps break down barriers. The pup's presence prompts many customers to share their own stories of their beloved pets, which Gastmeier loves to hear.
Clients "often just light up" when they see Xina around.