When the beach was opened up to nude bathers there were hardly any residential buildings but now this area has been building up significantly, especially since three large retirement settlements have built there.
I think it is time for the nudists to move to a part of the beach which is still uninhabited, or preferably into the bush somewhere. I live right across the road from the nudist area and I do not like walking across the dunes in case I run across naked people, which is embarrassing and uncomfortable.
I have to travel down to Omanu section of the beach for my morning walk every day. I certainly consider my rights to a public beach are being compromised.
Kaye Neill, Papamoa
Social norms consist of rules of conduct and models of behaviour prescribed by a society. Recent comments on the debate about the naturists having an event at Papamoa Beach are interesting and controversial. The comments I have read are that beaches are to be shared by all, but the naturists are being accused of forcing their way of living on other people and I do wonder how this can happen without ones consent?
Then, after saying that naturists are forcing their way of living on other people, it is said that if we want to live in society, we have to abide by its general social norms and rules. I have to wonder then who is forcing their way of living on other people?
While the naturists say the event is about freedom, some people within the community don't agree and believe it is a territorial move to force their nudity in our faces.
I believe that some people within the community should actually take their own advice and take a hard look in the mirror at themselves and face up to the naked truth about their bias judgement. Until there are specific laws to prevent such events they will continue.
G McIsaac, Ohauiti
With a smile
Re: Stress after dental care visit (News, Jan 16)
I read the article from Suzanne Bailey regarding after hours dental treatment and was very surprised. I am a visitor to New Zealand and had the need to see a dentist as an emergency a few days prior to Christmas. I went to Harley Dentistry, who were holding emergency times prior to Christmas, and the dentist, Dr Graeme Lynam, carried out the repairs required.
On Christmas day, I was having considerable pain and at the time, Dr Lynam had said that if I have any problems to call him. I was loathe to do so on Christmas day itself but phoned him at 9.30am and without a moment's hesitation, he agreed to see me within the hour. I was taken aback in that I was hoping that I might be able to see him in the next day or two, but he was insistent in seeing me there and then and did so cheerily.
Not only that, he didn't charge me anything for the call out. In my experience in the UK, you would be lucky to get to see a dentist. I guess it is all about choice and my choice was obviously very good.
Patrick Mair, Scotland
Extra expenses
When is it going to stop? It's getting really hard to keep your head above water without having to pay more in the rates to prop up another white elephant (Baypark). Probably wouldn't be so hard if my wages came even half way up to some of those on the council but alas it doesn't. Haven't had a pay increase in four years.
A Fletcher, Hairini
Ban the brats
I totally agree with the Mount cafe asking parents to take their noisy child out.
Lots of people go to a cafe to have a quiet chat with a business person or a friend, not to listen to some spoilt kid yelling his or her head off.
A few years ago, we took some visitors to a restaurant to have a quiet evening out.
At one table were two couples with five children. The kids ran wild playing hide and seek around tables. That was bad enough but the squealing that went with it was like little pigs when caught.
We said we'd never go back to that restaurant and never have.
Why do some parents (who are to blame) think they have a little angel whilst others know he or she is a spoilt little brat.
Tom Brough, Pyes Pa
Dog focus unfair
There were 10 times as many attacks on humans by other humans as dog attacks last year.
I raise this issue because, a dog bites a person and the media goes into overdrive, politicians react immediately and the nation goes into panic mode.
Meantime, humans assault, rape and murder other humans and it raises hardly a ripple.
For instance, there were 11,708 dog attacks on humans last year, which is appalling. But it does not compare to the hurt from 43,556 assaults, 13,748 personal offences, 3748 sexual assaults and 59,361 burglaries, which adds up to 120,413 human attacks on human.
I note that local government minister Nick Smith has promised to review the dog laws yet again after three children were seriously attacked recently, by dogs.
In the same period of time, there have been hundreds of attacks on innocent people, by some mongrels on two legs, posing as human beings.
I do not hear Simon Bridges or any other politicians calling for tough measures to protect us from these scum. Why not?
You can do something. The pen is a powerful weapon. Pick it up and write to the Prime Minister. Demand that he protects you and your family and our community. Tell him you will pay the extra tax to do the job.
Ken Evans, Tauranga
Baypark disaster
It was only a matter of time before "bailing out" Baypark became necessary. At the time of proposing to buy Baypark from Bob Clarkson, TCC were advised and warned by numerous individuals who had the facts and figures at their fingertips that if the deal went ahead it was only a matter of time before disaster struck.
This $5 million bailout is only the start. I cannot see Baypark ever working itself back into the black in its current form. The $5 million will continue to grow. It was hinted, at the time of purchase, the true financial situation at Baypark was kept under wraps by those "negotiating" the deal.
If allowed to continue along the current path, there will be no end to the downward spiral. Baypark is a valuable asset to Tauranga. Even so, losses and debts of this magnitude cannot be allowed to continue. Ratepayers cannot afford to and will not continue to prop up this haemorrhaging business.
TCC must now order a full audit of the Baypark operation.
This is now absolutely essential including eg staff numbers, executive pay rates, operational inefficiencies etc to pinpoint exactly where the problems lie. Bang goes the TCC idea for proposed 2 per cent rate increases.
Roger Bailey, Papamoa
Poverty the issue
I am really pleased that Maori land settlements are being implemented in a worthwhile manner.
However, in view of recent comments regarding the poverty in Northland, it would be welcome news if the $24 million of taxpayer monies be put towards better living conditions for their iwi, which would lessen the burden on Winz payouts, I would think.
B Guernier, Hairini
For two-wheels
My goodness, your reader Richard Prince has certainly got it in for cyclists (Letters, Jan 17).
I can find no record that cyclists are any more guilty of breaking the rules of the road than any other road users.
Certainly, it is true that cyclists do not pay any of the compulsory levies that motorists do. It must be remembered though that most adult cyclists also own a motor vehicle and pay in that way. Also a bicycle does not contribute to the wear and tear on road surfaces.
Cycling, I believe, is to be encouraged as it does not cause pollution and is a great form of exercise.
More tolerance by everyone is required, not less.
Lawrence Woods, Katikati
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