Local Bay of Plenty innovation leader Bryan Graham has received a boost to his boardroom ambitions by winning the Institute of Directors (IoD) Bay of Plenty Aspiring Director Award.
Mr Graham is a science leader at Rotorua-based Scion, the Crown research institute charged with driving innovation and growth in forestry. A recognised expert on informatics, he leads teams specialising in computer science, geomatics and complex systems.
"In an age of cyber threats, disruptive technology and digital innovation, firms need to consider the value of skills and capabilities like those we see in Bryan at the board table," said IoD acting chief executive Simon Arcus, who presented the award at an event in Tauranga on Wednesday night.
"We're pleased to be part of Bryan's next steps in realising his potential in governance, and we look forward to working with him over the next year to ensure he gets a good grounding in all aspects of directorship."
IoD Bay of Plenty Branch chair Glenn Snelgrove said the judges were impressed by Mr Graham's communication skills, drive and leadership ability.