The Bay of Plenty Times welcomes letters and comments from readers. Here you can read the letters we have published in your newspaper today.
Council servants take over
Once we called the senior person at the council the Town Clerk or Council Clerk.
Now we call them CEO or General Manager and they have companies to run the show which they have trouble trying to control.
The recent water debacle is a good example of these comments.
The Baypark upgrade is another and we all hold our breath while the organisation struggles to make ends meet.
I have also noticed articles where the council has played a big part in destroying the initiatives of a business person to ferry tourists from the Mount to the city on free buses and another entrepreneur who tried to encourage tourists to rent his cars by parking them near the ships.
Once the council was regarded as a public service run by public servants.
They were all servants to the community who effectively were the masters by virtue that the community paid the rates used to employ the staff.
Now I have to wonder who are the servants and who are the masters because there is strong evidence that the roles have to a large extent been reversed and it is time the community took back control.
Think about it at the next election.
Bill Cromwell, Welcome Bay
Mass medication
I do wish that Garth George would take his anger and arrogance back to where he came from.
Perhaps he has come to an enlightened city where the council allows people to choose what they put into their bodies and does not believe in dangerous mass medication.
To quote the proverb from the book GG likes to recommend, "one man's meat is another man's poison".
I would recommend that GG reads John Colquhoun's (senior dental officer and world authority on fluoride) findings and drag himself into the 21st century.
Bonnie Leonard, Tauranga