Image 1 of 83: Mahara Matete gets airborne during Te Puke Intermediate School's 29-0 win over Papamoa College on the first day of the 2019 AIMS Games boys' 7s competition.
Mitchell Shannon. Indoor rock climbing, Year 8 Boys. AIMS Games. Photo / Andrew Warner
Image 1 of 83: Mahara Matete gets airborne during Te Puke Intermediate School's 29-0 win over Papamoa College on the first day of the 2019 AIMS Games boys' 7s competition.
Marian Catholic School 3 : 1 Taradale Intermediate School
Aquinas College 3 : 5 Horotiu School
St Heliers School 3 : 1 St Thomas of Canterbury College
Northcross Intermediate 0 : 10 Somerville Intermediate School
Horotiu School 0 : 3 St Heliers School
Marian Catholic School 1 : 0 Somerville Intermediate School
Balmoral School (Auckland) 1 : 2 Remuera Intermediate
Farm Cove Intermediate 2 : 0 Somerville Intermediate School
Diocesan School for Girls 2 : 0 Waimauku School
Tauranga Intermediate School 4 : 1 Rototuna Junior High School
Diocesan School for Girls 3 : 2 Remuera Intermediate
Farm Cove Intermediate 2 : 1 Tauranga Intermediate School
Waimauku School 6 : 2 Balmoral School (Auckland)
Somerville Intermediate School 2 : 3 Rototuna Junior High School
Year 7 Boys:
1st Fletcher Adams - Berkley Normal Middle Sch -39:13.39
2nd Toby Bowler -Taupo Intermediate - 41:00.58
3rd Taine Roy -Mt Maunganui Intermediate -42:45.83
4th Kieran Slaven -Acg Tauranga -43:43.24
5th Liam Brown - Maungaraki School - 43:49.98
Year 7 Girls:
1st Caoilinn Gray -Cambridge Middle School - 20:09.08
2nd Eliana Hulsebosch - Aquinas College -22:09.79
3rd Victoria Barrett - Hilltop School - 23:19.13
4th Poppy Croucher - Mokoia Intermediate - 23:42.94
5th Alex Tilby-AdamsPapamoa College - 24:29.69
Year 7 Boys:
Year 7 Girls:
Year 8 Boys:
Year 8 Girls:
Year 7 Boys:
1st Jai Julian - Whakatane Intermediate - 29:25
2nd Blair Hoskin -Highlands Intermediate -29:38
3rd Oliver Christie - Whakatane Intermediate- 29:48
4th Liam Good - Otumoetai Intermediate -30:08
5th Fletcher Adams - Berkley Normal Middle Sch- 30:12
Year 7 Girls:
1st Caoilinn Gray - Cambridge Middle School - 31:50.76
2nd Maeve Lockett - Murrays Bay Intermediate -32:54.17
3rd Mckenzie Rowlands -Highlands Intermediate - 32:56.18
4th Farideh McHugh - Highlands Intermediate - 33:06.25
5th Georgie Miller -Otumoetai Intermediate - 33:52.05
Year 8 Boys:
1st Elliot Graves - Hillview Christian School - 27:32.84
2nd Zane Wyllie - Auckland Normal Intermedi - 27:43.93
3rd Michael Van Lieshout - Tauranga Intermediate Sch - 27:51.03
4th Coen AndersonSaint - Kentigern College - 27:54.10
5th Joshua Cavanagh - Berkley Normal Middle Sch -28:03.78
Year 8 Girls:
1st Renee Carey - Tauranga Intermediate Sch - 28:13.51
2nd Hayley Cornwall - Palmerston North Intermed -28:40.85
3rd Alex Rawlinson - Otumoetai Intermediate - 29:01.72
4th Lucy McLean - Palmerston North Intermed - 29:10.90
5th Emmerson Garrett -Howick Intermediate - 30:46.61
Ultimate Relay:
1st Team Berkley Normal Middl - 26:20.34
2nd Team Tauranga Intermediat - 27:06.01
3rd Team Pnins - 28:05.07
4th Team Cambridge Middle Sch Cambridge - 28:23.40
5th Team Ilminster Intermedia - 28:29.67
Year 7 Boys Teams:
1st Whakatane Intermediate - B74 pts
2nd Highlands Intermediate - B716 pts
3rd Otumoetai Intermediate - B716 pts
4th Ilminster Intermediate - B724 pts
5th Mt Maunganui Intermediate- B727 pts
Year 7 Girls Teams:
1st Highlands Intermediate - F77 pts
2nd Otumoetai Intermediate- F711 pts
3rd Murrays Bay Intermediate - F714 pts
4th Tauranga Intermediate School - F719 pts
5th Taupo Intermediate - F741 pts
Year 8 Boys Teams:
1st Tauranga Intermediate School - B810 pts
2nd Auckland Normal Intermediate - B815 pts
3rd Ilminster Intermediate - B823 pts
4th PNINS- B829 pts
5th Gisborne Intermediate- B836 pts
Year 8 Girls Teams:
1st PNINS - F86 pts
2nd Tauranga Intermediate School - F88 pts
3rd Otumoetai Intermediate -F811 pts
4th Ilminster Intermediate- F824 pts
5th Kaikohe Christian School -F850 pts
Time Trial Results:
Tuesday results:
Monday results:
Murrays Bay Intermediate v St Joseph's Catholic School (Opotiki) 22 1
Mt Maunganui Intermediate v Ahipara School 15 8
St Columba's Catholic School (Frankton)vBethlehem College 5 16
Sacred Heart Girls' College (New Plymouth) v Monrad Intermediate School 20 8
Glen Eden Intermediate v St Dominic's Catholic College 16 19
Feilding Intermediate v Waihi College 23 3
Te Atatu Intermediate v ACG Strathallan College 27 6
Diocesan School for Girls (Auckland) v Marist College 8 18
Somerville Intermediate School v Twyford School 30 4
Peachgrove Intermediate v Huanui College 28 3
Hastings Intermediate v Tarawera High School 23 4
Opotiki Primary School v John Paul College 22 9
Te Awamutu Intermediate v Henderson Intermediate 9 26
Kamo Intermediate v TKKM o Otepou 27 0
Rotorua Intermediate v Beachlands School 19 14
Reremoana Primary School v Omokoroa No 1 School 13 12
Clendon Park School v Wentworth College 27 5
Carmel College v BYE
Matamata Intermediatev St Joseph's Catholic School (Whakatane) 15 15
Morrinsville Intermediate v Royal Oak Intermediate School 18 6
Taupo IntermediatevWaimauku School185
Highlands IntermediatevBlockhouse Bay Intermediate1111
Havelock North IntermediatevSt Mary's Catholic School (Putaruru)197
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Toku Mapihi Maurea v Levin Intermediate 7 9
Mission Heights Junior College v St Anne's School (Manurewa) 12 8
Farm Cove Intermediate v Sancta Maria College 12 11
Albany Junior High School v Ashbrook School 25 4
Kristin School v Whangarei Intermediate 10 18
Baradene College of the Sacred Heart v Raetihi Primary School 21 3
Northcote Intermediate v Papakowhai School 25 4
Otumoetai Intermediate v Aquinas College 9 19
Otamatea High School v Flaxmere Primary School 8 11
Orewa College v Mangatawhiri School 34 1
Tauranga Intermediate School v Koromatua School 24 5
Te Puke Intermediate v Auckland Normal Intermediate 16 7
Ashhurst School v St Oran's College 9 31
Hutt Intermediate v Kio Kio School 39 2
Pukekohe Intermediate v South Wellington Intermediate 19 10
Randwick Park School v Papamoa College 22 9
Tuakau College v Whangaparaoa College 9 9
Holy Cross School (Papatoetoe) v Taradale Intermediate School 22 5
St Cuthbert's College v Kaharoa School 37 4
Taipa Area School v Omokoroa Point School 20 3
Berkley Normal Middle School v St Andrews College 9 13
Kimihia School v Evans Bay Intermediate 14 11
Onewhero Area School v Pio Pio College 27 7
Newlands Intermediate v Te Kapehu Whetu 16 9
Maidstone Intermediate v Howick Intermediate 16 3
Northcross Intermediate v Maeroa Intermediate 15 3
Ferguson Intermediate (Otara) v Te Kura o Te Paroa 11 17
Kaitaia Intermediate v Helensville School 24 9
Raroa Normal Intermediate v Pinehurst Junior School 9 23
Cambridge Middle School v Kaitao Intermediate 29 12
St Mary's College (Akld) v BYE
Kerikeri High School v Katikati College 12 5
Mokoia Intermediate v Samuel Marsden Collegiate 12 9
Balmoral School (Auckland) v Whakarewarewa School 12 11
Whakatane Intermediate v Balmacewen Intermediate 25 6
Te Wharekura o Mauao v Mahurangi College 7 9
St Peter's School (Cambridge) v Hilltop School 30 2
Saint Kentigern College v Te Wharekura O Ruatoki Area School 14 11
Rototuna Junior High School v Marian Catholic School (Hamilton) 9 10
Bucklands Beach Intermediate v Chilton St James School 11 19
Heretaunga Intermediate School v BYE
Murrays Bay Intermediate v Ahipara School 36 6
Mt Maunganui Intermediate v Monrad Intermediate School 16 12
St Columba's Catholic School (Frankton)v Sacred Heart Girls' College (New Plymouth) 2
Bethlehem College v St Joseph's Catholic School (Opotiki) 18 10
Glen Eden Intermediate v Waihi College 23 3
Feilding Intermediate v Marist College 10 17
Te Atatu Intermediate v Diocesan School for Girls (Auckland) 15 8
ACG Strathallan College v St Dominic's Catholic College 14 24
Somerville Intermediate School v Huanui College 32 4
Peachgrove Intermediate v John Paul College 13 13
Hastings Intermediate v Opotiki Primary School 15 19
Tarawera High School v Twyford School 11 14
Te Awamutu Intermediate v TKKM o Otepou 39 2
Kamo Intermediate v Omokoroa No 1 School 26 2
Rotorua Intermediate v Reremoana Primary School 17 17
Beachlands School v Henderson Intermediate 9 31
Clendon Park School v BYE
Carmel College v Royal Oak Intermediate School 13 7
Matamata Intermediate v Morrinsville Intermediate 12 17
St Joseph's Catholic School (Whakatane) v Wentworth College 26 15
Taupo IntermediatevBlockhouse Bay Intermediate 5 16
Highlands Intermediate v Levin Intermediate 21 9
Havelock North Intermediate v Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Toku Mapihi Maurea 26 8
St Mary's Catholic School (Putaruru) v Waimauku School 10 22
3Mission Heights Junior CollegevSancta Maria College 13 10
Farm Cove Intermediate v Whangarei Intermediate 16 12
Albany Junior High School v Kristin School 22 10
Ashbrook School v St Anne's School (Manurewa) 42 0
Baradene College of the Sacred Heart v Papakowhai School 33 3
Northcote Intermediate v Flaxmere Primary School 21 8
Otumoetai Intermediate v Otamatea High School1 31 10
Aquinas College v Raetihi Primary School 14 9
Orewa College v Koromatua School 24 6
Tauranga Intermediate School v St Oran's College 15 13
Te Puke Intermediate v Ashhurst School 25 7
Auckland Normal Intermediate v Mangatawhiri School 30 0
Hutt Intermediate v South Wellington Intermediate 19 7
Pukekohe Intermediate v Whangaparaoa College 10 15
Randwick Park School v Tuakau College 14 14
Papamoa College v Kio Kio School 17 1
Holy Cross School (Papatoetoe) v Kaharoa School 50 1
St Cuthbert's College v St Andrews College 15 22
Taipa Area School v Berkley Normal Middle School 4 19
Omokoroa Point School v Taradale Intermediate School 0 34
Kimihia School v Pio Pio College 29 5
Onewhero Area School v Howick Intermediate 5 15
Newlands Intermediate v Maidstone Intermediate 12 19
Te Kapehu Whetu v Evans Bay Intermediate 12 18
Northcross Intermediate v Te Kura o Te Paroa 22 6
Ferguson Intermediate (Otara) v Pinehurst Junior School 10 2
Kaitaia Intermediate v Raroa Normal Intermediate 5 20
Helensville School v Maeroa Intermediate 11 21
Cambridge Middle School v BYE
St Mary's College (Akld) v Samuel Marsden Collegiate 19 7
Kerikeri High School v Mokoia Intermediate 11 15
Katikati College v Kaitao Intermediate 6 18
Balmoral School (Auckland) v Balmacewen Intermediate 10 17
Whakatane Intermediate v Hilltop School 45 1
Te Wharekura o Mauao v St Peter's School (Cambridge) 14 21
Mahurangi College v Whakarewarewa School 22 10
Heretaunga Intermediate School v Te Wharekura O Ruatoki Area School 9 21
Saint Kentigern College v Chilton St James School 11 12
Rototuna Junior High School v Bucklands Beach Intermediate 5 19
Marian Catholic School (Hamilton) v BYE
Murrays Bay Intermediate v Bethlehem College 33 13
Ahipara School v Monrad Intermediate School 6 19
Mt Maunganui Intermediate v St Columba's Catholic School (Frankton) 17 5
Sacred Heart Girls' College (New Plymouth) v St Joseph's Catholic School (Opotiki) 28 2
Glen Eden Intermediate v ACG Strathallan College 15 10
Waihi College v Marist College 6 16
Feilding Intermediate v Te Atatu Intermediate 5 20
Diocesan School for Girls (Auckland) v St Dominic's Catholic College 13 17
Somerville Intermediate School v Tarawera High School 40 3
Huanui College v John Paul College 22 7
Peachgrove Intermediate vHastings Intermediate 1 0
Opotiki Primary School v Twyford School 23 8
Te Awamutu Intermediate v Beachlands School 27 7
TKKM o Otepou v Omokoroa No 1 School 72 0
Kamo IntermediatevRotorua Intermediate 16 11
Reremoana Primary School v Henderson Intermediate 5 38
Clendon Park School v St Joseph's Catholic School (Whakatane) 36 13
BYE v Royal Oak Intermediate School
Carmel College v Matamata Intermediate 16 7
Morrinsville Intermediate v Wentworth College 26 10
Taupo Intermediate v St Mary's Catholic School (Putaruru) 28 5
Blockhouse Bay Intermediate v Levin Intermediate 20 9
Highlands Intermediate v Havelock North Intermediate 18 11
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Toku Mapihi Maurea vWaimauku School 15 13
Mission Heights Junior College v Ashbrook School 18 11
Sancta Maria College v Whangarei Intermediate 15 18
Farm Cove Intermediate v Albany Junior High School 11 21
Kristin School v St Anne's School (Manurewa) 21 6
Baradene College of the Sacred Heart v Aquinas College 24 9
Papakowhai School v Flaxmere Primary School 13 10
Northcote Intermediate v Otumoetai Intermediate 21 12
Otamatea High School v Raetihi Primary School 12 11
Orewa College v Auckland Normal Intermediate 16 13
Koromatua School v St Oran's College 5 18
Tauranga Intermediate School v Te Puke Intermediate 17 12
Ashhurst School v Mangatawhiri School 27 7
Hutt Intermediate v Papamoa College 22 13
South Wellington Intermediate v Whangaparaoa College 12 17
Pukekohe Intermediate v Randwick Park School 16 12
Tuakau College v Kio Kio School 37 4
Holy Cross School (Papatoetoe) v Omokoroa Point School 54 4
Kaharoa School v St Andrews College 24 4
St Cuthbert's College v Taipa Area School 26 4
Berkley Normal Middle School v Taradale Intermediate School 12 19
Kimihia School v Te Kapehu Whetu 26 12
Pio Pio College v Howick Intermediate 3 20
Onewhero Area School v Newlands Intermediate 7 28
Maidstone Intermediate v Evans Bay Intermediate 18 6
Northcross Intermediate v Helensville School 30 2
Te Kura o Te Paroa v Pinehurst Junior School 18 21
Ferguson Intermediate (Otara) v Kaitaia Intermediate 12 6
Raroa Normal Intermediate v Maeroa Intermediate 14 11
Cambridge Middle School v Katikati College 28 6
BYE v Samuel Marsden Collegiate
St Mary's College (Akld) v Kerikeri High School 11 14
Mokoia Intermediate v Kaitao Intermediate 11 11
Balmoral School (Auckland) v Mahurangi College 10 14
Balmacewen Intermediate v Hilltop School 29 6
Whakatane Intermediate v Te Wharekura o Mauao 28 8
St Peter's School (Cambridge) v Whakarewarewa School 26 14
Heretaunga Intermediate School v Marian Catholic School (Hamilton) 14 19
Te Wharekura O Ruatoki Area School v Chilton St James School 15 13
Round 6:
Kamo Intermediate v St Andrews College 12-1
Murrays Bay Intermediate v Pukekohe Intermediate 2-3
Rosmini College v Whakatane Intermediate 1-0
Orewa College v Northcross Intermediate 0-2
Kamo Intermediate V Orewa College 7 1
Pukekohe Intermediate V Whakatane Intermediate 0 1
Rosmini College V Saint Kentigern College 4 0
St Andrews College V Northcross Intermediate 0 5
BYE: Murrays Bay Intermediate
Orewa College V Rosmini College 1 3
Whakatane Intermediate V St Andrews College 4 0
Northcross Intermediate V Pukekohe Intermediate 2 1
Murrays Bay Intermediate V Kamo Intermediate 1 2
BYE: Saint Kentigern College
Havelock North Intermediate v Raroa Normal Intermediate 7-2
Kristin School v Hillview Christian School 0-6
Tauranga Intermediate School V Katikati College 2-3
Highlands Intermediate v Francis Douglas Memorial College 3-1
Bethlehem College v Ferguson Intermediate (Otara) 3-1
Mahurangi College v Pinehurst Junior School 6-2
Fairfield Intermediate v Otumoetai Intermediate 0-2
Bethlehem College v Havelock North Intermediate 2 8
Fairfield Intermediate v Highlands Intermediate 0 5
Mahurangi College v Tauranga Intermediate School 2 4
Ferguson Intermediate (Otara) v Hillview Christian School 0 14
Mt Maunganui Intermediate v Raroa Normal Intermediate 0 1
Francis Douglas Memorial College v Katikati College 1 3
Otumoetai Intermediate v Pinehurst Junior School 7 1
Pinehurst Junior School v Francis Douglas Memorial College 1 6
Ferguson Intermediate (Otara) v Raroa Normal Intermediate 0 6
Bethlehem College v Kristin School 0 1
Otumoetai Intermediate v Katikati College 2 2
Mt Maunganui Intermediate v Hillview Christian School 1 9
Fairfield Intermediate v Mahurangi College 0 3
Tauranga Intermediate School v Highlands Intermediate 4 4
Bye: Havelock North Intermediate
Murrays Bay Intermediate v Kamo Intermediate 3-2 5th-8th
Northcross Intermediate v Tauranga Intermediate School 4-3 5th-8th
Pukekohe Intermediate v St Cuthbert's College 0-0 9th/10th
Cobham Intermediate v Diocesan School for Girls (Auckland) 1-0 SF
Whakatane Intermediate v St Oran's College 2-1 11th/12th
St Andrews College v Heaton Intermediate 1-6 SF
Kamo Intermediate v Tauranga Intermediate School 2 0
St Cuthbert's College v Mahurangi College 1 0
Murrays Bay Intermediate v Saint Kentigern College 6 0
Pukekohe Intermediate v Carmel College 1 1
Fairfield Intermediate v Bethlehem College 0 1
Tawa Intermediate v Northcross Intermediate 0 2
Whakatane Intermediate v St Mary's College (Akld) 4 0
Sacred Heart Girls' College (New Plymouth) v St Oran's College 1 1
Heaton Intermediate v Diocesan School for Girls (Auckland) 5 0
Cobham Intermediate v Marist College 10 0
Bye: Baradene College of the Sacred Heart, St Andrews College
Mahurangi College v Murrays Bay Intermediate 0 1
Tauranga Intermediate Schoo lv Pukekohe Intermediate 1 2
St Andrews College v St Cuthbert's College 3 1
Carmel College v Baradene College of the Sacred Heart 1 1
St Mary's College (Akld )v Fairfield Intermediate 0 0
Marist College v Sacred Heart Girls' College (New Plymouth) 0 5
Bethlehem College v Heaton Intermediate 1 8
St Oran's College v Tawa Intermediate 1 0
Northcross Intermediate v Cobham Intermediate 0 1
Diocesan School for Girls (Auckland) v Whakatane Intermediate 1 0
Bye: Kamo Intermediate, Saint Kentigern College
Tauranga Intermediate School v Pinehurst Junior School 6-2
St Joseph's Catholic School (Fairfield) v Papamoa College 0-9
John Paul College v Otumoetai Intermediate 1-5 SEMI FINAL
Kristin School v Orewa College 4-3 SEMI FINAL
Raroa Normal Intermediate v Havelock North Intermediate 2-7
Hillview Christian School v Highlands Intermediate 1-4
Kristin School v John Paul College 2 2
Otumoetai Intermediate v Highlands Intermediate 5 0
Papamoa College v Raroa Normal Intermediate 0 0
Mt Maunganui Intermediate v Orewa College 2 7
Pinehurst Junior School v Tauranga Intermediate School 0 4
Byes: Hillview Christian School, Havelock North Intermediate, St Joseph's Catholic School (Fairfield)
Taradale Intermediate School v M atahui Road School 22 0
Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School v Te Ranga School 13 0
Tamatea Intermediate School v Taupo Intermediate 0 4
Bethlehem College v Ohau School 2 14
Te Puke Intermediate v Howick Intermediate 1 7
Ngakuru School v Ngunguru School 1 7
Mt Maunganui Intermediate v Churchill Park School 8 2
PortPio Pio College v Matamata Intermediate 4 3
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Whakarewa I Te Reo ki Tuwharetoa v Reremoana Primary School 3 0
St Peter's School (Cambridge) v Kaitao Intermediate 10 2
Omokoroa No 1 School v Bucklands Beach Intermediate 21 3
Te Wharekura o Mauao v Ngatea School 0 27
Auckland Normal Intermediate v Papamoa College 7 4
Cambridge Middle School v Napier Intermediate School 10 1
Rototuna Junior High School v Huanui College 2 3
Whangaparaoa College v Matarau School 1 9
Pompallier Catholic College v Albany Junior High School 3 0
Wainui School v Kio Kio School 6 2
Berkley Normal Middle School v Whangarei Intermediate 1 1
Waiau Pa School v Chisnallwood Intermediate 0 10
Farm Cove Intermediate v Somerville Intermediate School 0 13
Tauranga Waldorf School v Bream Bay College 2 7
Mokoia Intermediate v Pongakawa School 15 0
ACG Strathallan College v Awakeri School 2 8
Bye: Aquinas College, St Marks School, Tauriko School, Te Awamutu Intermediate, Tauranga Intermediate School, Hilltop School, Beachlands School, Otumoetai Intermediate
Tamatea Intermediate School v Bethlehem College 8 1
Aquinas College v Matahui Road School 8 0
Te Ranga School v St Marks School 0 9
Taupo Intermediate v Ohau School 11 8
Te Puke Intermediate v Ngunguru School 6 3
Tauriko School v Churchill Park School 2 6
Matamata Intermediate v Te Awamutu Intermediate 4 3
Ngakuru School v Howick Intermediate 0 15
Omokoroa No 1 School v Ngatea School 1 11
Tauranga Intermediate School v Reremoana Primary School 1 3
Kaitao Intermediate v Hilltop School 9 1
Te Wharekura o Mauao v Bucklands Beach Intermediate 0 26
Rototuna Junior High School v Whangaparaoa College 9 2
Papamoa College v Beachlands School 9 3
Otumoetai Intermediate v Cambridge Middle School 0 9
Huanui College v Matarau School 7 3
Pompallier Catholic College v Kio Kio School 4 0
Wainui School v Albany Junior High School 6 4
Berkley Normal Middle School v Chisnallwood Intermediate 4 5
Waiau Pa School v Whangarei Intermediate 2 1
Tauranga Waldorf School v Somerville Intermediate School 0 11
Bream Bay College v Farm Cove Intermediate 4 0
ACG Strathallan College v Pongakawa School 0 1
Mokoia Intermediate v Awakeri School 8 1
Bye: Taradale Intermediate School, Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School, Mt Maunganui Intermediate, Pio Pio College, Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Whakarewa I Te Reo ki Tuwharetoa, St Peter's School (Cambridge), Auckland Normal Intermediate, Napier Intermediate School
Northcross Intermediate 1 : 0 Sacred Heart College (Akld)
TOP 16:
Murrays Bay Intermediate 5 : 0 St Bernard's College
Taupo Intermediate 1 : 0 Rosmini College
Highlands Intermediate 3 : 5 Balmoral School (Auckland)
Northcross Intermediate 2 : 0 Mt Maunganui Intermediate
Saint Kentigern College 4 : 0 Glen Eden Intermediate
Sacred Heart College (Akld) 2 : 0 Otumoetai Intermediate
Kamo Intermediate 4 : 5 Kerikeri High School
Blockhouse Bay Intermediate 0 : 1 Raroa Normal Intermediate
Auckland Normal Intermediate 3 : 4 Papamoa College
Tauranga Intermediate School 3 : 0 Mission Heights Junior College
Cobham Intermediate 0 : 2 Albany Junior High School
Cambridge Middle School 2 : 1 Berkley Normal Middle School
St Peter's College (Akld) 1 : 0 St Peter's School (Cambridge)
Liston College 2 : 0 Somerville Intermediate School
Northcote Intermediate 1 : 0 St Thomas's School (Auckland)
Whangaparaoa College 2 : 5 Peachgrove Intermediate
TOP 8:
Northcross Intermediate 3 : 0 St Thomas's School (Auckland)
Mt Maunganui Intermediate 6 : 1 Belmont Intermediate
Baradene College of the Sacred Heart 3 : 1 Evans Bay Intermediate
St Mary's College (Akld) 2 : 3 Kamo Intermediate
Murrays Bay Intermediate 3 : 1 Northcote Intermediate
Cambridge Middle School 0 : 1 Wadestown School
Berkley Normal Middle School 4 : 0 Te Atatu Intermediate
Saint Kentigern College 0 : 3 Otumoetai Intermediate
Blockhouse Bay Intermediate 1 : 3 Kerikeri High School
Evans Bay Intermediate 1 : 3 Gordonton School
St Peter's School (Cambridge) 4 : 3 Mission Heights Junior College
Waimauku School 0 : 1Murrays Bay Intermediate
Blockhouse Bay Intermediate 3 : 1 Waimauku School
Evans Bay Intermediate 1 : 8 St Peter's School (Cambridge)
Gordonton School 2 : 3 Murrays Bay Intermediate
Kerikeri High School 4 : 2 Mission Heights Junior College
Gordonton School 1 : 1 Waimauku School
Kerikeri High School 4 : 1 Evans Bay Intermediate
Mission Heights Junior College 1 : 4 Blockhouse Bay Intermediate
Murrays Bay Intermediate 3 : 0 St Peter's School (Cambridge)
Cobham Intermediate 3 : 0 Puketaha School
Francis Douglas Memorial College 0 : 1 Papamoa College
St Thomas's School (Auckland) 1 : 0 Raroa Normal Intermediate
Taupo Intermediate 3 : 0 Somerville Intermediate School
Papamoa College 0 : 1 Taupo Intermediate
Puketaha School 0 : 4 Francis Douglas Memorial College
Raroa Normal Intermediate 4 : 3 Cobham Intermediate
Somerville Intermediate School 1 : 0 St Thomas's School (Auckland)
Highlands Intermediate 6 : 0 Mokoia Intermediate
Kristin School 1 : 2 Liston College
Tauranga Intermediate School 0 : 0 Otumoetai Intermediate
Waiheke High School 0 : 1 Peachgrove Intermediate
Liston College 7 : 0 Waiheke High School
Mokoia Intermediate 0 : 1 Kristin School
Otumoetai Intermediate 1 : 1 Highlands Intermediate
Peachgrove Intermediate 1 : 2 Tauranga Intermediate School
Cobham Intermediate 0 : 4 Taupo Intermediate
Francis Douglas Memorial College 0 : 0 St Thomas's School (Auckland)
Papamoa College 1 : 1 Somerville Intermediate School
Puketaha School 1 : 6 Raroa Normal Intermediate
Blockhouse Bay Intermediate 4 : 2 Evans Bay Intermediate
Murrays Bay Intermediate 3 : 2 Kerikeri High School
St Peter's School (Cambridge) 5 : 1 Gordonton School
Waimauku School 4 : 4 Mission Heights Junior College
Evans Bay Intermediate 2 : 4 Waimauku School
Gordonton School 0 : 4 Blockhouse Bay Intermediate
Kerikeri High School 2 : 2 St Peter's School (Cambridge)
Mission Heights Junior College 2 : 2 Murrays Bay Intermediate
Cobham Intermediate 4 : 1 Francis Douglas Memorial College
Somerville Intermediate School 7 : 0 Puketaha School
St Thomas's School (Auckland) 2 : 0 Papamoa College
Taupo Intermediate 1 : 1 Raroa Normal Intermediate
Francis Douglas Memorial College 0 : 3 Taupo Intermediate
Papamoa College 0 : 3 Cobham Intermediate
Puketaha School 0 :12 St Thomas's School (Auckland)
Raroa Normal Intermediate 1 : 0 Somerville Intermediate School
Bethlehem College 0 : 0 Sancta Maria College
Albany Junior High School 2 : 0 Whakatane Intermediate
Cambridge Middle School 5 : 1 Royal Oak Intermediate School
Glen Eden Intermediate 0 : 3 Northcross Intermediate
Albany Junior High School 2 : 2 Bethlehem College
Royal Oak Intermediate School 0 : 5 Glen Eden Intermediate
Sancta Maria College 2 : 3 Cambridge Middle School
Whakatane Intermediate 0 : 9 Northcross Intermediate
Bethlehem College 0 : 1 Whakatane Intermediate
Cambridge Middle School 6 : 0 Albany Junior High School
Glen Eden Intermediate 8 : 0 Sancta Maria College
Northcross Intermediate 11 : 0 Royal Oak Intermediate School
Berkley Normal Middle School 0 : 3 Whangaparaoa College
Levin Intermediate 0 : 5 Wadestown School
Mt Maunganui Intermediate 6 : 0 Te Atatu Intermediate
Saint Kentigern College 7 : 1 St Joseph's Catholic School (Fairfield)
Berkley Normal Middle School 6 : 1 Levin Intermediate
Te Atatu Intermediate 2 : 6 Saint Kentigern College
Wadestown School 1 : 7 Mt Maunganui Intermediate
Whangaparaoa College 5 : 1 St Joseph's Catholic School (Fairfield)
Levin Intermediate 0 : 2 Whangaparaoa College
Mt Maunganui Intermediate 4 : 1 Berkley Normal Middle School
Saint Kentigern College 7 : 2 Wadestown School
St Joseph's Catholic School (Fairfield) 2 : 1 Te Atatu Intermediate
Auckland Normal Intermediate 1 : 0 St Peter's College (Akld)
Balmoral School (Auckland) 3 : 0 St Marks School
Havelock North Intermediate 0 : 7 Sacred Heart College (Akld)
Mahurangi College 0 : 1 Rototuna Junior High School
Auckland Normal Intermediate 1 : 1 Balmoral School (Auckland)
Sacred Heart College (Akld) 6 : 0 Mahurangi College
St Marks School 3 : 0 Havelock North Intermediate
St Peter's College (Akld) 5 : 0 Rototuna Junior High School
Balmoral School (Auckland) 4 : 1 St Peter's College (Akld)
Havelock North Intermediate 1 : 6 Auckland Normal Intermediate
Mahurangi College 3 : 1 St Marks School
Rototuna Junior High School 1 : 5 Sacred Heart College (Akld)
Aquinas College 1 : 5 St Bernard's College
Howick Intermediate 1 : 5 Rosmini College
John Paul College 3 : 1 Orewa College
Kamo Intermediate 4 : 1 Northcote Intermediate
Aquinas College 2 : 0 Howick Intermediate
Orewa College 0 : 12 Kamo Intermediate
Rosmini College 4 : 2 John Paul College
St Bernard's College 2 : 1 Northcote Intermediate
Howick Intermediate 1 : 6 St Bernard's College
John Paul College 3 : 0 Aquinas College
Kamo Intermediate 2 : 1 Rosmini College
Northcote Intermediate 3 : 0 Orewa College
Carmel College: BYE - AIMS
Chisnallwood Intermediate 0 : 2 Whakatane Intermediate
Kamo Intermediate 0 : 0 Somerville Intermediate School
Carmel College 5 : 0 Chisnallwood Intermediate
Royal Oak Intermediate School 0 : 4 Northcross Intermediate
Somerville Intermediate School 0 : 1 Murrays Bay Intermediate
Chisnallwood Intermediate: BYE - AIMS
Kamo Intermediate 2 : 1 Carmel College
Murrays Bay Intermediate 2 : 0 Whakatane Intermediate
Auckland Normal Intermediate 3 : 0 Te Awamutu Intermediate
Cambridge Middle School 2 : 0 Te Atatu Intermediate
Evans Bay Intermediate 0 : 5 Mt Maunganui Intermediate
Auckland Normal Intermediate 0 : 2 Cambridge Middle School
Mt Maunganui Intermediate 5 : 0 Glen Eden Intermediate
Te Atatu Intermediate 2 : 4 Evans Bay Intermediate
ACG Strathallan College 1 : 5 Wadestown School
Albany Junior High School 2 : 1 Tauranga Intermediate School
Baradene College of the Sacred Heart 1 : 0 Marist College
ACG Strathallan College 0 : 7 Albany Junior High School
Marist College 0 : 2 Belmont Intermediate
Tauranga Intermediate School 0 : 3 Baradene College of the Sacred Heart
Gordonton School: BYE - AIMS
Northcote Intermediate 1 : 3 St Thomas's School (Auckland)
Papamoa College 0 : 2 St Peter's School (Cambridge)
Gordonton School 0 : 5 Northcote Intermediate
St Mary's College (Akld) 2 : 1 Saint Kentigern College
St Peter's School (Cambridge) 4 : 1 Raroa Normal Intermediate
Northcote Intermediate: BYE - AIMS
Papamoa College 2 : 0 Gordonton School
Raroa Normal Intermediate 0 : 2 St Thomas's School (Auckland)
Year 7 Girls:
1st Amy Hurly - Northcross Intermediate 11:25.55
2nd Liliani Cuevas-Haxton - Tamatea Intermediate Scho 11:33.63
3rd Charlotte Greaves - Glen Eden Intermediate 11:44.33
4th Anika Pihema - Orewa College 11:47.21
5th Boh Ritchie -St Peter's School (Cambridge) 11:47.87
Year 7 Boys:
1st Joe Martin - Karori Normal School10:36.86
2nd Caleb Wagener - Elim Christian College10:45.92
3rd Liam Good - Otumoetai Intermediate10:56.38
4th Connor Kemp - Raroa Normal Intermediate11:03.73
5th George Wyllie - Otumoetai Intermediate11:05.59
Year 8 Girls:
1st Renee Carey - Tauranga Intermediate 10:56.52
2nd Zoe Benson - Bucklands Beach Intermediate 11:12.17
3rd Sophie Robb - St Cuthbert's College 11:16.84
4th Ava Sutherland - Raroa Normal Intermediate 11:20.24
5th Kate Currie- Heaton Intermediate 11:21.61
Year 8 Boys:
1st Elliot Graves - Hillview Christian School 10:18.89
2nd Jack Erikson - Ponsonby Intermediate 10:26.81
3rd Joshua Cavanagh- Berkley Normal Middle School 10:30.90
4th Josh FordTakapuna -Normal Intermedite 10:32.69
5th Athan Thompson - Kamo Intermediate 10:35.84
Para athlete Year 7 and 8 Girls:
1st Charli Gardiner Hall - Waiuku Primary School 3:34.31
2nd Jodeci Manuel- Tauranga Intermediate School 5:27.62
3rd Emelia Cooksley -Tauranga Intermediate School 5:52.11
Para athlete Year 7 and 8 Boys:
1st Josh Rae - Casebrook Intermediate 3:20.01
2nd Troy Wilson - Tauranga Intermediate 3:28.74
3rd Toby Ireland - Hutt Intermediate 3:44.53
4th Kaleb Hohneck - Tauranga Intermediate 5:25.94
Year 7 Girls Teams:
1st Mt Maunganui Int F26 pts
2nd St Peter's Cambridge F71 pts
3rd Otumoetai Int F72 pts
4th Glen Eden Int F94 pts
5th Highlands Int F97 pts
Year 7 Boys Teams:
1st Otumoetai Int 26 pts
2nd Mt Maunganui Int 57 pts
3rd Raroa Normal Int 67 pts
4th Pukekohe Int 108 pts
5th Bethlehem College 127 pts
Year 8 Girls Teams:
1st Otumoetai Int F34 pts
2nd PNINS F44 pts
3rd Glen Eden Int F65 pts
4th Raroa Normal Int F93 pts
5th Bucklands Beach Int F103 pts
Year 8 Boys Teams:
1st Mt Maunganui Int 51 pts
2nd Highlands Int 51 pts
3rd Tauranga Int 65 pts
4th Kamo Int 71 pts
5th Somerville Int 96 pts
Championship School Relay:
1st Team Otumoetai Intermediate 41:53.30
2nd Team Tauranga Intermediate 42:12.10
3rd Team Mt Maunganui Intermediate 42:36.32
4th Team Berkley Normal Middle 43:13.79
5th Team Palmerston North Int 43:45.28
Open School Relay:
1st Team Glen Eden Intermedia 21:34.76
2nd Team Raroa Intermediate 21:38.51
3rd Team Highlands Intermedia 22:08.90
4th Team Bethlehem College 22:30.11
5th Team St Peter's School 22:30.52
Former All Blacks Sam Cane and Scott Curry played for Reporoa.