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January was warmer than average
Your correspondent Harry H Walker (Times 11 February) asserts that this summer the southern hemisphere has been colder than usual. The National Climate Data Centre in the USA reports in its "State of the Climate Global Analysis" that in January this year there has been quite a large contrast between temperatures in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. But while both were warmer than average, the Southern Hemisphere experienced its sixth warmest January in the 133-year period of record.
If Harry Walker believes that this summer has been cooler locally, averages from daily temperature data taken from in the BOP Times shows this summer's temperatures (Dec- mid Feb.) to be average, and the previous five years' summers to be warmer than average.
Harry Walker may be interested to learn that confidential documents leaked from The Heartland Institute (Chicago), a climate change denial think-tank, reveal how big business pays for climate change denial, including by paying climate-sceptic Australian scientists.
P B Archer, Mount Maunganui