Patrols on duty at Coromandel beaches from Labour weekend
In the past 10 years, there have been 357 beach and coastal drownings in New Zealand.
In the past 10 years, there have been 357 beach and coastal drownings in New Zealand.
Boaties are being reminded to prep their boat, check their gear and know the rules
Kuka was killed execution-style in what police believe to be a case of mistaken identity.
A van travelling through the site was pushed over by falling debris.
OPINION: Let's make this summer a great one for everyone.
The failed bid to jail teen rapist Jaden Meyer has been slammed as 'manifestly inadequate'
Shock, excitement and pride were all in abundant supply after the win was announced.
Live theatre is back on the boards and Mark Wright will perform in Katikati.
Club members rally to get track fit for championship meeting.
Young dotterel fans are keeping an eye out a dotterel nest at a local subdivision.
The BOPRC rates bill has been met with surprise and 'shock' among some.
Courses have proved popular when run in other locations.
The Te Puke protest is part of a nationwide movement.
The highest amount declared was two-thirds more than the next highest.
"There is no boring day when Mabel is in the office."
A $50,000 grant will aid the Kūaotunu Peninsula Biosphere Working Group in its cause.
Doug Leeder has returned to his former position as chairman and Jane Nees as deputy.
Inflation prompts upward revision of interest rate forecasts & opens political tax debate.
The road will remain closed overnight.
Ana Shaw objected to a large legal costs bill; now it's higher after losing appeal bid.
Despite the appeal being dismissed the judge says the sentence is 'manifestly inadequate'.
The two-vehicle crash happened near Te Puke on Sunday.
When he joined, Ivon never expected to be a 25-year firefighting veteran.
OPINION: The statistics show why the need for arming police is so high.
The man who died in a crash in Mid Canterbury at the weekend was from Tauranga.
Waihi Art Group prepares for an exhibition that will feature the work of 20 artists.
OPINION: Our readers have their say.
Kura Paul-Burke is one of only three Māori marine professors in New Zealand.