Last week the Government released its Budget, so we thought this week we would deliver our Oily Rag Budget!
While the number of zeros attached to the numbers is not up to the size of Government, the principles are the same: spend less than you earn so you have money left over at the end of each year for times of need.
Unlike the Government, earning more is not as easy as increasing taxes. Most of us do not have a captive population that can be squeezed a little harder as the need for more money arises. We have to work more hours or work smarter. Here are three big oily rag ideas about earning more.
Big Oily Rag money making idea No1. Make better use of "down time". According to Statistics NZ every person watches around 14 hours of television a week. That's equivalent to about two days working, or $230 a week for a person on minimum wage. How about using that down-time for casual work, or on money saving activities such as growing your own vegetables - and selling or swapping the surplus. Multiply the benefits by two in a two-person household.
Big Oily Rag money making idea No2. Clean out the garage and cupboards. Although the amount of money tied up in household items may not appear large, most families accumulate various "bits and pieces" that are no longer of any use. It needs to be admitted up front, that oily raggers are known to be hoarders, so they usually have lots of stuff they could turn into cash. Surplus assets typically include: a second car, sports gear, boats, books, caravans, clothing, well-loved furniture, and so on. When sold, these can add up to serious money that could be used to knock a dent in a family's mortgage, or converted into something else that could bring pleasure.