This week we have more creative money-saving tips from readers.
Giselle has this tip from her grandmother. "My grandmother taught me to put about half a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup with a splash of water to make a paste. Rub the inside of the cup with this solution and it will get rid of stains. If it doesn't work the first time, just add more baking soda and water. "
Lee from Whangarei suggests, "Try Chux Magic Eraser Hard Surface Cleaner. There are eight disposable blocks in the packet and they can be bought at the supermarket. You can also buy them as a block and cut to the required size. It's amazing for cleaning around light switches, removing crayon, scuff marks off floors, etc -- just wet and lightly rub. You can use each piece more than once."
Tess from Auckland has this tip for cleaning burned pots. "To clean burned pots, cut a lemon in half, squeeze the juice and rub the lemon on the burned area, then scrub with Goldilocks or steel pot mitts. I find the burned-on food comes off easily."
To clean water spots from shower glass Mervyn from Dunedin uses a cake of sand soap. He says it's a lot cheaper than similar cleaning products.