This week we dip into our mailbox and find great ways to save on milk money, and we also have money-saving suggestions for tots and teens.
Bernie from Christchurch writes: "Being a one-person household, I find that milk often goes off before I can finish the budget-priced 2-litre container I have bought. To get around this, I decant the milk into recycled plastic cream bottles and freeze, leaving enough room at the top for expansion.
"I just take one out every couple of days and defrost on the bench overnight. And, for hot drinks, I keep a small container of instant skim milk powder next to the tea and coffee canisters.
"To use, just stir a teaspoon of milk powder straight into the hot cup of tea or coffee. It is so convenient, dissolves instantly and although I am a fussy person when it comes to food, I can't even tell the difference from fresh milk -- but best of all, neither can my friends!
"Skim milk powder makes great custard, too -- just mix 2 tablespoons of custard powder, 2 tablespoons of sugar and half a cup of milk powder in a 2-litre Pyrex jug. Add half a cup of cold water and mix to a smooth paste with a balloon whisk. Top up with 1 & 1/2 cups of cold water and stir well.