For anyone who has played any of the LittleBigPlanet series, it will be instantly apparent that Tearaway has also been created by Media Molecule, which must have some incredibly imaginative people in its ranks.
In Tearaway, you control a messenger who is delivering a letter to you, the gamer. Sounds simple enough, and at a base level, it is. But what makes Tearaway stand out from the rest is that the entire world (characters included) is made of craft paper.
This paper-craft not only looks realistic (it's obvious that much of it was created in real life first), but sounds, reacts and "feels" realistic, too.
The player is introduced to new control mechanics at a steady pace, and all of the control methods the Vita has are used at some stage. However, in the latter stages of Tearaway things do get rather convoluted when you're called upon to use many of the control methods at once to defeat enemies. Suddenly, an extremely fun and thoughtful game becomes an over-complicated (yet still clever) frustration.
Just as in LittleBigPlanet, the world and characters of Tearaway are truly endearing and Media Molecule has thrown in a nice treat in the game's unlockables. If you take a picture of a white object in the game, you can colour it - but when that happens you unlock some paper-craft plans which you can then create yourself to adorn your work desk or bedroom.