A decade ago, or even two decades ago, the space combat genre was saturated and very popular. But new releases in recent times have been few and far between.
Born Ready Games' Kickstarter-funded Strike Suit Zero was released in January last year for PCs and the story has been directly ported to this release on the Xbox One and PS4.
This story-driven single-player game has the player assuming the role of a United Nations of Earth fighter pilot in the year 2299. The UNE is in a massive war against the combined forces of the space colonies and, rather than the usual idea that resolution rests heavily on your shoulders, you are given the impression that the missions you are charged with are only part of a larger picture.
The missions are nothing to get excited about but the space combat action that surrounds them can produce thrilling gameplay - if you can see past the frame rate issues that plagued the PC version when there is a lot happening.
The 3D models are a bit rough around the edges, but for the most part this gets masked by the great visual effects, which are a definite highlight.