I'm a woman in my early 60's and my whole life I've enjoyed having long hair. A friend recently suggested that now that I'm a little older, perhaps I should consider a shorter hairstyle. We're close friends so I wasn't upset by what she said, but it has got me thinking. I don't want to cut it, I like it long. What do you think?
My advice is to do what makes you happy, what you like. If you don't wish to cut your hair short, then don't. It has nothing to do with age.
However, if long hair doesn't suit you and your face shape, then you may be better with a shorter style. Have you tried tucking up your hair to see what difference a shorter look does to your face? What does your hair stylist think?
If your friend has now got you thinking about change, could you still retain your long locks but have a different style?
And what of the colour, is your hair colour natural or dyed? Does it suit you?