Dehydration can cause skin to lose elasticity - so much so that doctors routinely use a simple skin-pinch test to quickly determine if a person is dehydrated.
The condition can cause a host of health problems, some serious and some less concerning. Dry, itchy skin can be caused by dehydration.
It's important to hydrate your body inside and out.
Use a quality moisturiser daily.
During summer - or if you spend a lot of time outdoors year-round - choose a moisturiser that also blocks ultraviolet sunlight. Ideally, drink plenty of water.
If that's not possible - or you don't care for the taste of water - choose non-caffeinated liquids such as skim milk or light fruit juices.
You also can help hydrate your body by eating fruits and vegetables that have a naturally high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, celery and tomatoes.
Nurturing healthier skin with nutrition
Skin is influenced as much by what goes on inside your body as what it encounters on the outside.
If you're unhappy with how your skin looks, some simple dietary changes can help improve your appearance and benefit your overall health as well.
Free radicals are unstable molecules produced as a side-effect to the body's use of oxygen.
Antioxidants may stop or limit the amount of damage free radicals cause in your body, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. The National Institutes of Health say fruits and vegetables are good sources of antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamins C, E and A. Blueberries and strawberries are high in antioxidants, as are greens such as kale and spinach.
Tomatoes contain lycopene and are a wonderful ingredient in a variety of dishes, so be sure to incorporate them in your diet.
Finally, look for foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, avocados and some types of nuts.
One of the many benefits of omega-3s is that they nurture the outer layer of your skin so it can more effectively protect you.
You can't turn back the clock, but making a few small changes in your beauty routine - such as reducing your sugar intake and boosting hydration - can help combat the effects ageing has on your body and skin.