Summer is a busy time for oily raggers: they are busy in the garden and kitchen preparing no-cost meals from their bounty. It's also been busy on the oily rag website, with lots of readers sending in tips and titillations. Here are some of those we have received.
P.L. from Auckland writes, "It's possible to cut travel costs and enjoy driving free rental cars and campervans in New Zealand by checking out the online transfer deals. Most of the time drivers also receive a free tank of petrol. How does this work? Rental car companies need to reposition their fleet for new hires and usually spend large amounts of money to do this using trucks for transportation." P.L. says having a free driver return the car to its home base is a win-win - for the traveller and the rental company, and it works well when combined with a cheap one-way flight. Have a look at
Lorraine from Whakatane has some recycling tips. "I use the inner tops off yoghurt half-litre pottles, of cottage cheese et cetera to separate layers of food for the freezer. Saves using plastic, and can be re-used over and over. I also find the white newsprint-type paper that supermarkets wrap some goods in can make a good lining for my fridge vege bins to stop that wet messy bottom - and the used paper can be composted when soggy. I also get 52 free lunch bags a year using the Listener magazine wrapper so I never buy lunch bags!"
S.M. from Honiara has this simple kitchen tip. "May I spread the good news about the economies that can be derived from a very simple piece of kitchen equipment: the spatula. Not only will it ensure that every last drop of cake mix is saved but it also has a knock-on effect of saving soap and water in the washing-up bowl -- which lasts a lot longer since it doesn't get clogged up with bits of food. Every last scrap of food on plates gets scraped into the chicken or dog bowl."
A.M. from the Wairarapa has some wise cautionary advice for DIY sparkies. "Make sure that you only DIY within your capabilities! I am an industrial electrician, mother, strict budgeter and long-timer oily-ragger, however, I get nervous when I see people cutting corners, risking their future financial stability and well-being to save in the short term!