How natural hazards may potentially affect your property
When it comes to natural hazards, the more we know the safer we are.

15th Avenue to Welcome Bay
Feedback sought for future direction of Mount Maunganui to Arataki

Mount to Arataki Spatial Plan
Feedback sought for future direction of Mount Maunganui to Arataki

How could more small homes create options for all?
Changes are on the way that will see more townhouses and apartments popping up around the

Accessible Streets for Ōtūmoetai Peninsula
Primary routes that will connect Ōtūmoetai Peninsula to the City Centre.

Rates: Let's be fair Tauranga
We're asking for your feedback on changes we're proposing to our 2021-31 Long-term Plan.

Seeking feedback on plan to support future growth of Ōtūmoetai Peninsula
Council is asking Ōtūmoetai, Matua, Brookfield, Bellevue and Judea what future they want.

Kua tae te wā I It's time
What story of our city do we want our future generations to hear?

Making Tauranga more accessible for all
Council wants everyone to be able to enjoy and play a full and active part in our city.

Cameron Road upgrade more than just a face lift
Exciting things are underway in the heart of Tauranga.

Imagining the future of Greerton
Securing a future for the racecourse and golf club reserve land in Greerton.

The library that comes to you
If you can't come to the library, the library will come to you.

Your thoughts needed on temporary changes to streets at The Mount
Tauranga City Council offering 3 design options for The Mount's busiest routes.

Your views wanted on Mount streets trial
Making high-use roads in the northern part of Mount Maunganui safer and more user-friendly

Shaping homes and neighbourhoods of the future
Tauranga is New Zealand's fifth largest city and is continuing to grow.

New cycle and walking track opens in Tauranga
New cycle and walking track opens in Tauranga