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Rachel Stewart: Fate of Fonterra - don't say you weren't warned
COMMENT: Years have been spent ignoring fact Fonterra was heading toward the rocks.

Rachel Stewart: Monty Python or Shakespeare - tragic theatre of the Greens
COMMENT: State of the climate begs the question - what good are politicians anymore?

Rachel Stewart: Get disconnected - you'll find real world again
COMMENT: Time's precious, there are things to see before the lights go out.

Rachel Stewart: Dinosaurs keep hawking past as Godzone's future
COMMENT: A clear vision of agriculture in NZ will not be forthcoming from usual suspects.

Rachel Stewart: Everyone has a right to tell their truth
COMMENT: It's my absolute right to express an honestly held opinion, even if it offends.

Rachel Stewart: Why Judith Collins deserves a chance to be PM
COMMENT: JuCo is a deeply maligned politician.

Rachel Stewart: Rail on track but climate challenges ignored
Comment: When will Government change their emphasis on solving the biggest crisis of all.

Rachel Stewart: Hounds of left are woke and I'm running scared
COMMENT: Govt cronies hate dissent and are eyeing speech laws.

Rachel Stewart: Forget Mars - clean our mess up first
COMMENT: I don't want to go to Mars. I want to get Earth fixed.

Rachel Stewart: Earth is heating up and activism will too
COMMENT: The environmental movement, like every other movement, is changing dramatically.

Rachel Stewart: Dignified death of a feisty farm cat
COMMENT: This isn't really a column about my dead cat, though it might appear that way.

Rachel Stewart: Outlook grim despite the allure of denial
COMMENT: Species extinction and extreme weather are only going to get worse.

Rachel Stewart: Owning firearms a privilege not a right
COMMENT: Whatever Govt decides, I am fully prepared to relinquish my semi-automatics.

Rachel Stewart: Can we separate the art from the artist?
COMMENT: I don't believe you can rewrite history. It's already made.

Rachel Stewart: Fry me a river, climate denialists
COMMENT: There's no ignoring what's happening with the weather all over the world.

Rachel Stewart: I'm back and I'm not staying quiet
COMMENT: I am rebranding as the only columnist any rational person will ever want.

Rachel Stewart: Environment, Facebook, free speech among big issues of 2018
COMMENT: Rachel Stewart looks back on 2018.

Rachel Stewart: TERF wars - a derogatory term to shut down debate
COMMENT: All human beings deserve human rights and respect.

Rachel Stewart: Why today's feminists leave me underwhelmed - and males contented
COMMENT: Today's 'feminists' generally leave me underwhelmed.

Rachel Stewart: 'Trump of tropics' latest psycho in club
COMMENT: Rise of Brazil's Bolsonaro next step in far-right's troubling march.

Rachel Stewart: Climate - Don't say I didn't warn you
COMMENT: It needs WWIII to turn this overloaded, burning, sinking global ship around.

Rachel Stewart: Drums of water war echoing in pipeline
COMMENT: Minister's lack of action on vital resource letting council dig in defences.

Rachel Stewart: Women must unite against hard-line patriarchy
COMMENT: Kiwi women are eye-wateringly over-represented in domestic violence statistics.

Rachel Stewart: Fed up with over-sharing
COMMENT: 'Confessional' female writers setting feminism back generations.

Rachel Stewart: Animal cruelty – a storm is coming
COMMENT: If you're shocked now, your hair will soon curl.

Rachel Stewart: Why kill animals after an 'attack'?
Comment: Animals attack us when we invade their space and we need to realise this.

Rachel Stewart: Signs of a stressed-out dairy industry
COMMENT: If farmers don't find a new way forward soon, they'll feel more alone than ever.

Rachel Stewart: Same-sex and proud - let them eat cake
COMMENT: There will be many more bumps on the road to gay wedded bliss.

Rachel Stewart: Time for dry July
COMMENT: The more I drank the more I could handle it. Time to give it a break.

Rachel Stewart: We cannot bury our heads in the silence
COMMENT: Our approach to suicide isn't working very well.

Rachel Stewart: Why I've come to love those cows
COMMENT: Studies show cows have personalities and emotions, just like cats and dogs.

Rachel Stewart: Ministry's cunning plan fails again
COMMENT: Farmers should have acted sooner but MPI should have too.

Rachel Stewart: The sun has already set on oil
COMMENT: Industry anger with Govt baseless given global shift away from fossil fuels.

Rachel Stewart: Death part of the cycle of life
COMMENT: Death notification app is not for all tastes but it keeps things in perspective.

Rachel Stewart: Journos, feel heat on warming
COMMENT: As weather gets worse, writers need to step up.

Rachel Stewart: Breaking free from addictive web
COMMENT: Online technology is hugely important but too much can be detrimental.

Rachel Stewart: Carping at movie deeply misguided in flawed world
COMMENT: Three Billboards film has drawn flak for lack of neat ending — but that's life.

Rachel Stewart: Yee-ha! Rodeo is doomed
COMMENT: So, we all know in our hearts that rodeo is wrong.

Rachel Stewart: Boy racer noise drowns quiet country life
COMMENT: Why do we have to put up with these stupid antics?

Rachel Stewart: I got end-of-humanity blues
COMMENT: Hard to feel jazzed about 2018 knowing Earth and its denizens are on brink.

Rachel Stewart: Media gorging on racist, sexist views
COMMENT: We shouldn't be publishing opinions which are based on racist or sexist attacks.

Fonterra's spin makes me want to throw up
COMMENT: Fonterra's waterways plan requires a bucket, writes Rachel Stewart.

Climate of change for the Defence Force
OPINION: Climate change is likely the biggest threat to national security we face.

Rachel Stewart: BigAg must wake up to synthetic threat
COMMENT: Artificial milk and meat pose huge risk to farming industry.

Rachel Stewart: Basking in glow of bright Ardern era
COMMENT: What's it going to be like while writing under the influence of optimism?

Rachel Stewart: Why is our road toll such a disgrace?
COMMENT: I have a strong suspicion that another dynamic is at play.

Rachel Stewart: We're all feeling the squeeze
Opinion: Perfect potpourri of planetary problems is upon us.

Rachel Stewart: Life-affirming jaunt feels good
COMMENT: Attending gala opening night of Pleauredome mattered to me on a number of levels.

Rachel Stewart: I'm not afraid of big bad Winston
COMMENT: Peters has always demonstrated a willingness to do a deal, says Rachel Stewart.

Rachel Stewart: Why women will decide this election
COMMENT: Labour's leader is aspirational for women and won't pull ponytails.

Rachel Stewart: Don't feel sorry for farmers
COMMENT: National is talking up the urban-rural divide to get votes, says Rachel Stewart.

Rachel Stewart: Men in suits scariest gang of all
COMMENT: Out here in the real world things are not so black and white.

Rachel Stewart: That's right polluters, it's time to pay
COMMENT: There is overwhelming public support for a water royalty, says Rachel Stewart.

Rachel Stewart: Ardern oasis in political desert
COMMENT: Labour leader's magnetism has not been seen since Clark and Lange.

Rachel Stewart: Hysteria over water policy pitiful
COMMENT: Labour's water policy is not as difficult to understand as you might think.

Rachel Stewart: Greens can't blame media
Comment: Turning Turei's pronouncement into a virtuous act of heroism is way off the mark.

Let's hope the mud festival is clean
COMMENT: NZ is importing mud from South Korea where foot and mouth disease has occurred.

Rachel Stewart: Councils must walk climate talk
COMMENT: Is your local council doing enough about mitigating effects of climate change?

Stewart: Beaten down by radio ads nauseam
COMMENT: Could you live without advertising? Oh, dear God, how I could.

Rachel Stewart: Why I'm not positive
Rachel Stewart explains why she's not going to be positive just to please chirpy men.

Rachel Stewart: How to tarnish tourism glow
COMMENT: Quantity over quality will turn round to bite tourism industry.

Fighting until cows come home
COMMENT: Dairy farmers and industry mouthpieces love to say they are environmental angels.

Stewart: Sour old men love bitter whine
Comment: Elderly, white males are as pesky, autumnal flies for Rachel Stewart.

Are we in the final days of democracy?
COMMENT: Democratic values appear to have entered a death spiral, writes Rachel Stewart.

Stewart: Thrill of flight never leaves
COMMENT: The sense of wonder, of rising above it all, never gets old, says Rachel Stewart.

Clarke made us appreciate ourselves
COMMENT: John Clarke's genius was what made him distinct, writes Rachel Stewart.

Rachel Stewart: Make the polluters pay
COMMENT: I've always suspected NZ's scarcity of environmental enforcement was willful.

Midwives - overworked and underpaid
COMMENT: Women taking care of women challenges the status quo, writes Rachel Stewart.

Rachel Stewart: I'm with the river
COMMENT: The Te Awa Tupua Bill is a unique approach which we need more of.

Rachel Stewart: Girls can do anything
OPINION: They'd never had a woman on the footplate so I needed to be under 'supervision', says Rachel Stewart.

Rachel Stewart: Beast friends?
OPINION: Human capacity for animal cruelty never-ending, writes Rachel Stewart.

Rachel Stewart: Fake food is our future
COMMENT: There's something about animal farming and meat-eating that defies rational gravity.

Rachel Stewart: Fighting the good fight
COMMENT: Personal battles are waste of energy when tackling climate change requires us all.

Rachel Stewart: Let racist oafs be minority
COMMENT: If risible views heard on plane above Godzone are pakeha norm then help us all.

Rachel Stewart: First love hard to forget
COMMENT: The US has the best raptors for falconry - eagles, falcons, hawks. I go often. The thought of not going breaks my heart. Yet, here we are.

Rachel Stewart: Stage set for worse to come
COMMENT: Not even a week into Trump's presidency, it's crystal clear that US citizens are now dealing with a fascist regime, writes Rachel Stewart.

Unwanted male attention? Use the block
COMMENT: To block someone is not censorship. It's just that I don't want to hear you, or more to the point, for you to hear me, writes Rachel Stewart.

Put your money where your mouth is
COMMENT: Reliable as clockwork, and right on cue, DairyNZ stepped up to the microphone and shot themselves in the head.