Allison is a reporter at the Bay of Plenty Times
We are your advocate, Aotearoa. Uncovering stories that matter, asking hard-hitting questions of those in power, live-blogging sport events, monitoring the highs and lows of the NZX and providing Premium expert opinion and analysis. Bringing you distinctive, quality journalism and breaking news from across New Zealand and around the world. With specialists working together to create indepth reads, engaging video, and unmissable podcasts.

Cost of council lunches revealed
Catered meetings at Bay councils eat up between $12,000 and $30,000, new figures show.

Aquinas College principal to depart after 7 years
People and relationships were at the heart of Ray Scott's time as principal.

Hundreds sign petition to save school buses
A petition to stop proposed scrapping of Tauranga school buses has nearly 700 signatures

Mystery bang shakes residents and pets
A massive bang at 3am on Sunday shocked people in Tauranga awake.

Music contest packs sweet prize
The competition gives musicians without the means to record and produce their talent..

St Peters House restored to clients
The 116-year-old house remains a tribute to another era

Budget relief a start, say social agencies
How Budget 2017 will affect Tauranga families - it's not all good news

Armageddon brings fantasy to Tauranga
Pop-culture community 'buzzing' as Armageddon prepares to invade the Bay of Plenty.

Plan to scrap school buses riles parents
Putting young students on public buses opened them to a raft of dangers, say parents.

Consent lodged for rival retail site
Two retail centres with a mini supermarket and restaurant proposed 1km apart in Papamoa

Creative experts fuel museum dream
Exhibition creators inspire Tauranga museum supporters

Drive for school funding hits road
Better funding = better learning, it's as simple as that say campaigners

Residents uproar at Tauranga traffic queue jumpers
Avenues residents are frustrated with commuters using residential streets as a bypass

Mike King shares 'inner critic' with students
Comedian Mike King in town to talk about serious issues

'All Blacks do cry. They do have feelings'
Zac Guildford opens up about battling alcoholism and mental health issues.

Plea for more money for Omokoroa cycleway
The Omokoroa cycleway is $2.64 million short in funding

Building consents down but boom not slowing
Building consents included a major upgrade for an empty CBD building

Tauranga College reunion sees well-known alumni get together
A short-lived college in Tauranga churned out well-known and successful people

Tauranga Labour candidate's chances high
Merivale principal Jan Tinetti features high on the Labour party list.

Tauranga duo got chance to survive reality show challenges
One on one interviews with the Tauranga Survivor NZ contestants

Controversial vaccine film in Tauranga
Movie's screening has received fierce backlash from health officials.

'Nobby' Clarke, credited with bridging Tauranga-Mount gap, dies
A former Tauranga mayor with a heart of gold has passed away

Fight against pests revives birdlife
The fight against pests in the Bay is a constant battle but progress is being made.

Bold vision for Tauranga public transport
.A vision for Tauranga's public transport future

Could this be NZ's oldest cat?
Boo the cat has lived for 23 years - that's 104 in cat years.

Where to buy and how to do it for first home buyers in Tauranga
Experts tell all: A break down of where to buy and how to do it for first home buyers.

Tauranga sportswoman to lead World Masters Games
A Tauranga woman will be a flag bearer at the World Masters Games in Auckland

Bay in line for wet-weather double punch
The heart-ache for the Bay isn't over yet as another cyclone system heads south.

Downpours turn farms into oceans
Heavy rainfall has hit Bell Rd residents and farmers hard.

Land and dinghys disappear in Omokoroa slip
A slip in Omokoroa has scared and upset residents.

Month's worth of rain in a day
Slips, flooding and dog evacuations in Tauranga as a month's worth of rain fell.

Surfer wonder boy wins local comp
Indica Knox Corcoran wants to be a pro one day and this is all part of the journey.

'Massive and overwhelming need' in Tauranga says foodbank volunteer
A foodbank volunteer said there was much more to Tauranga under the surface.

Portrait and pottery test politicians' talents
Tauranga politicians create masterpieces for good cause.

More expected to quit smoking with e-cig legalisation
Tauranga e-cigarette retailers say legalisation will bring NZ closer to smokefree by 2025.

Support services, foodbank go hand in hand
The Tauranga foodbank and other support services partner up to help the most in need.

Politicians weigh in on Tauranga Foodbank SOS solutions
Tauranga politicians share their solutions for dwindling foodbank food.

Wheels turning for Mount Maunganui cycleway
Bike Mount are getting creative with ideas for 13.6km Mauao cycle way.

Unwanted animals dumped at popular park
Park has become a dumping ground for unwanted chickens, dogs, cats and even pigs

Foodbank SOS: Challenge set to community organisations
A Papamoa community group has challenged organisations to collect for the foodbank.

The Big Read: The Remarkable Raiha
The life and times of a 17-year-old competitive surfer.

Pups delight at Doggy Day Out
The Doggy Day Out in Katikati was the ultimutt day out for canines.

Foodbank desperate for food
Tauranga foodbank is asking for help as they run out of food items.

Police vetting will strain school budgets
Principals are frustrated at another cost being forced on local schools.

Newlyweds give up gifts for homeless
A Tauranga couple have kicked off their marriage with an extraordinary act of kindness.

Watchdog investing in new technology to track quick resales
Photo for sidebar: Ricky Parry bought this Papamoa house for $440k and is doing it up, hoping to make at least $500k for his efforts

Cancer patient faces three-month wait
Margaret Richardson has cancer in her lung, chest wall, spine and rib cage.

Joyful Katikati victorious in long, hard fight for bypass
OPTIMISTIC: Katch Katikati's Jacqui Knight, Western Bay deputy mayor Mike Williams and Katikati Community Board chairwoman Jenny Hobbs

Tauranga man brings the Navy to town
Former Aquinas College student Justin Priestly, 20, was happy to be home.

Intricate artwork gifted back to the sea
GONE: The ceremony at the Tauranga Art Gallery where the sand mandala is dissolved. PHOTO/ANDREW WARNER 110317aw12bop About 100 people

Supermarket salads binned after listeria finding
RECALL: LeaderBrand lettuces have been recalled after listeria was detected. PHOTO/FILE A_lvn041115gardening1 Listeria has been found

Shortlist of Tauranga museum locations announced
The possible locations for a new museum were narrowed down to two today. City councillors on the City Transformation Committee agreed

Brace yourself - Wild weather set to stay
WARNED: Farmers such as Rick Powdrell, pictured, have been warned to prepare for flooding as heavy rain is forecast to drench the

International festival feast for senses
Visitors to the Multicultural Festival were able to sample unique foods from around the world.

Mystery surrounds cause of fire
Tauranga Fire Service and insurance investigators were today trying to discover the cause of the blaze which left a Birch Ave storage

Raging fire nearly destroys Tauranga businesses
A raging early morning fire threatened three Birch St businesses and gutted a large storage shed.

Andrew Little fires up Labour supporters
Labour's Andrew Little fired off the party's vision to a standing-room only crowd in Tauranga.

Easter trading decision put off for a year
Tauranga City Council has put off making a decision to allow shops to trade legally on Easter Sunday. Photo/file A_261216gn32bop By

Harsher penalties for migrant worker exploitation
Tauranga industries using migrant labour have welcomed a government move to clamp down on employers exploiting migrant workers. Off

New water standards criticised for Bay of Plenty
Kaiate Falls has a rich history of elevated faecal contamination. Photo/fileA_151116jb01bop.JPG The water quality of Bay swimming

Gate Pa School cycleway opens
Pupils are thrilled to be riding a new cycleway created in forested gully behind Gate Pa School.

Buddhist monks complete intricate sand mandala
The Buddhist sand mandala at Tauranga Art Gallery has been completed after hours of work. Photo/Andrew Warner 220217aw02bop.JPGThe

A 13.6km separated cycleway for Mount proposed
A mockup of what The Mall (Pilot Bay) would look like - one-way for motorists with a separated cycleway. Photo/supplied Pilot_bay_mockup_correct_di Adams

New specially-designed home gives Amanda her life back
Amanda Lowry in her new kitchen, rigged out with tetra-friendly features. Photo/Andrew Warner 140217aw02bop By Allison Hess Amanda

Poachers fined for shooting $5000 stag on Te Puke farm
Matthew Warren Miller and Shane Robert Williamson (right) were sentenced at Tauranga District Court for shooting a $5000 stag on private

Plan to open vacant civic sites to the homeless
WHAT ARE WE DOING? Tauranga Homelessness Steering Group presented findings and plans to city councillors on how to tackle the wicked

Shoppers overcharged for milk
More than five dozen customers have been overcharged $1.30 for milk at a Tauranga supermarket. The 61 customers buying Meadowfresh

Humble Bay athletes dominate awards
Sportswoman of the year and supreme winner Lisa Carrington and sportsman of the year Mahe Drysdale - making the Bay proud. Photo/file

School delights in new classrooms
Students perform a haka at the opening of Pillans Point School's eight new classrooms. Photo/Andrew Warner 100217aw01bop Students

More than 200 security incidents at WINZ offices
CLOSED: More than 200 security incidents took place in Tauranga WINZ offices in the past three years. Photo/file A_120914aw06bop More

Tauranga cheap fuel app reaches 15,000 users
Larry Green, co developer of an app that helps people find the cheapest fuel. Photograph by Andrew Warner.By Allison Hess An app

Rain no worry for Go By Bike Day
Graeme Lovell-Gadd bikes to work more often than not and was riding through Red Square on Go By Bike Day today. Photo/John Borren