Ruahine-Rangiwahia Collie Club celebrated its 75th jubille on April 5-6 in perfect autumn weather. This trial was held on Glencorran (M & K Gee-Taylor’s farm) and Paki-iti (A & F Morton’s farm) in Manamako Rd, Rangiwahia.
There were record entries with 219 heading dogs and 211 huntaways strutting their stuff. Josh Brennan provided the sheep for the event — beautiful, well-grown male and female lambs.
The hospitality at the Ruahine club is second to none, with the Rangiwahia Playgroup doing the catering on the two days.
Long-serving secretary-treasurer Greg Clifton stopped the competition for an hour on Saturday afternoon for the cutting of the jubilee cake and a gathering of past and present members of the club, plus all the liberators came down off the hills to join in, as did all those who were waiting to have their runs.