The Whanganui Jazz Club was taken by storm in 2022 by the number one big band of jazz students at the Te Kōkī New Zealand School of Music in Wellington under the direction of Rodger Fox.
Their performance was so outstanding that the club vowed to make it an annual event. With the passing of the great man, it falls on others to keep this wonderful initiative alive.
It is no mean feat to deal with the administration and organisation required to deliver some 20-odd students from the nation’s capital to the stage of the St John’s Club.
Daniel Hayles worked hand in hand with Rodger running the university’s big band programme, and he has the knowledge and expertise gained from not only that experience but also the many years that Daniel spent with Rodger first as his student, then as an arranger for the Rodger Fox Big Band and teaching colleague at Te Kōkī.
The club is thrilled to learn that Daniel is stepping up and doing the mahi that is required to make this concert possible for the third year running.