Hypnotherapist Azian Zulkifi is a advanced clinical hypnotherapist at Inspired Hypnosis.
Hypnotherapist Azian Zulkifi is a advanced clinical hypnotherapist at Inspired Hypnosis.
Hypnotist Azian Zulkifli is well-known in Whanganui as the general manager of Unity Food. Her profession is actually as a hypnotherapist and youth coach at Inspired Hypnosis, and she has just moved into new premises at 39 Victoria Ave.
After Covid, Zulkifli moved on to operating out of her home for the last few years.
“I thought it was time to step it up,” she said.
“I believe this is a great opportunity, I love the building, the rooms are beautiful, and I’m looking forward to working with people. There are private car parks available, so clients don’t have to worry about parking fees. I appreciate the privilege to be working inside this building,” she said.
Zulkifli has a Diploma in Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy from Hypnosis New Zealand. She also has a qualification as a Rapid Transformational therapist, a protocol from a world-famous hypnotherapist from the UK, Marisa Peer, among other qualifications.
“The focus of hypnotherapy is to bring change in a short time, on average three to five sessions are enough to create a lasting shift in people’s emotional state,” said Zulkifli.
“I specialise in anything to do with emotions - anxiety, fears, trauma, grief, phobias, addictions, lack of self-esteem and more - all these issues have an emotional factor to them.
“Once you integrate or release whatever is wrong or not working properly, then you can absolutely boost your self-esteem and confidence.
“I also specialise in working with young people. These days many are struggling with social anxiety, lack of confidence and hopelessness.
“It’s already difficult being a teenager, without the added concerns from Covid and global issues. It has made people generally more fearful and anxious.
“I think children should be left to be children a lot more. We tend to share things with youth that they may not be ready to process or integrate,” she said.
The entrance to Inspired Hypnosis, 39 Victoria Ave.
Zulkifli will be running another series of “Well-Being and Confidence for Women” group workshops in October. She said having the office in Victoria Ave gives her the opportunity to work with groups and she is looking forward to that.
“I’m also working on a confidence programme for youth, so I hope to get that up and running soon. I believe if we can work with youth and provide them with the tools so they understand how the mind works, so they grow into confident adults, it would save a lot of struggles over the years.
“Rather than working with people in their later years, it would be better to equip them with tools to self-regulate emotions when they are young, so they can create a good life for themselves. I feel that young people deserve that,” she said.
Being a mother of three daughters keeps Zulkifli busy as well as being the general manager of Unity Food, one of the food charities in Whanganui providing food for the weekend for anyone who is struggling, on Friday afternoons at the Anglican Church on Wicksteed St.
“I think overall, it’s about making life easier for people, be it in an emotional or physical sense, in that regard the charity fulfils the same role - it takes some pressure off for people,” she said.
A journalist for the Māori News Service Te Reo o Te Uru, Eruera Rerekura, gave a glowing account of Zulkifli’s service.
“She is held in high regard in her profession. She is well-known for her work in Unity Food in Whanganui, which provides an opportunity for people who need support. They can come in, she’s got a friendly and welcoming team,” he said.
“She has held this role in the community for almost three years now. She’s known for helping people. When it comes to Unity Food and people needing enough provisions to tide them over, it’s certainly a place they can feel comfortable coming to because Azian and her team are very welcoming, they don’t judge people.
“I’ve had the benefit of her hypnotherapy services. I was going through a very heavy time. She was very professional, very friendly and guided me through a time when I really needed her hypnotherapy. It certainly helped me and I would recommend her to other people,” he said.
If you’re interested to know more about hypnotherapy you can contact Azian on 021 172 0027, through Facebook or her website www.inspired-hypnosis.co.nz.