What our noisy world urgently needs is sound of silence
I have been delving into the writings of Umberto Eco.
I have been delving into the writings of Umberto Eco.
So, turns out that thing they say about selling a house and shifting being one of life's biggest stresses is true, for me at least.
Bravery comes in all shapes and sizes, and I think this week its name is Winnie Paap.
It's fun to be able to laugh at the unintended pratfalls taken by the high and mighty.
Suicide is always a distressing subject - another life wasted; grieving dear ones; dreams left unfulfilled; the guilt of those left behind.
"I don't know how many more people need to die at sea before something gets done," said Malta's Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat.
Lots of people say to me how terrible it is that criminal lawyers will defend someone, some criminal lowlife, who they ought to know is guilty of a crime.
An independent Wanganui livestock agent is calling for a code of practice to deal with disputes over private sales on a truck weighted basis.