For the second month in a row waka racing was to the fore at the August edition of the Wanganui Rowing Winter Series on Sunday morning.
After a smaller turnout for the July race due to it clashing with school holidays, entries returned to previously strong levels with 26 craft and crews taking part.
"There were good water conditions for the race the rain didn't really bother us aside from making the wait at the start a bit cold and miserable," said spokeswoman Jacs Rush of the hosting Union Boat Club.
"We had a good contingent up from Wellington and by all accounts they had a blast and will definitely be back."
The 8km race finished near the Aramoho Wanganui Rowing Club and it was the Waka 6 Man Senior Masters team who won the day as their 41min 37s minute effort was 91.67 per cent of their prognostic time (the average international time for their specific craft and class).