A common-sense approach to this issue would see freedom of choice recognised as what is best for a business owner.
If you read the article, KA Benfell, you will see that provisions in the current employment legislation protect an employee's right to refuse to work on Easter Sunday should they choose. Your concerns are yours only.
I was talking to one business owner during the week who was still going to open, as they felt it was necessary to be open for tourists and shoppers who wanted something to do on their day off. No staff, just themselves, as they are paying rent and rates every day anyway.
The wrong decision was made; it is not too late to correct it.
Damaged car
On November 28, my car was damaged by a mechanic at a local garage.
When I confronted them (him and the owner) about it, they refused to take responsibility for the damage.
Adding insult to injury, they said: " Well, it's an old car anyway".
It may be an old car, but it's my old car. I am a 76-year-old pensioner who lives alone out in the country, and I depend on my car to get me to doctor appointments etc and cannot afford to get my car repaired for the damage they have done.
They disgust me for their lack of respect, their total disregard for a senior citizen and their indifference to my plight.
I did seek advice on this matter, but without proof it's a "he said/she said" situation, which has me feeling depressed and still very angry.
New land
Council aspirant Steve Baron can be assured of two facts. Until recently, only Mother Nature could make new land, and WDC (and Horizons) will rate it.
I am all for incentives for new people to move to Whanganui, but not at the cost of currently overstretched ratepayers.
Steve seems to think undeveloped land is unrated, thus his rates holiday for "several years" to new development is a no-cost scheme. The cost would be carried by the rest of us.
He complained that I presented no positive idea; here's one: We could make more land and gain new rates.
Trans Tasman Resources could stop pretending the sand mining plume won't hit the coast from Patea to the Malborough Sounds. Instead, they could pump it into a blinking great pile out there. Flatten it off, surround it with artificial reef and go fishing. Whale watching, even.
The Chinese have lots of expertise in making new islands. They could sell Trans Tasman Resources a long flexi pipe to plug on to their short, fat one.
WDC (and Horizons) cannot rate islands, so a land connection to, say, Castlecliff would sort that out. It opens opportunities for a ferry terminal without needing any river work done. A win-win there.
What's a hectare of sea view and great fishing rated at these days?
Rubbish Trip
I lost track of how many people came up to me after "The Rubbish Trip" presentation on Tuesday evening (November 28) by the "No-waste Nomads" (Hannah Blumhardt and Liam Prince) to say how amazing it was. Believe me, it was.
Hannah and Liam can easily be called the top of their field in Zero Waste education in New Zealand. Not only are the passionate about the subject, but very knowledgeable and excellent presenters. They are the Topp Twins of waste minimisation.
I'd like to offer a great thanks to Hannah and Liam for including our community in their "Rubbish Trip" as well as thank the Josephine Retreat Centre for providing the venue for this amazing event.
We are dedicated to bringing more such high-quality events to our community.
The Eco School, Okoia
Send your letters to: The Editor, Wanganui Chronicle, 100 Guyton St, PO Box 433, Wanganui 4500; or email editor@wanganuichronicle.co.nz