We have now had 22 years, but the maintenance carpenter and recent inspection by European velodrome professionals have confirmed the surface deterioration is becoming more prominent with substantial repairs over the past few years.
For councillors Bennett and Young to make comments such as the surface being guaranteed for 50 years, bearing in mind each board is 40mm square, skew nailed together with minimal air flow and moisture trapping between the boards, and that we have enough spare timber to last 150 years is hilarious and totally misleading.
The same goes for how many riders they say are using the velodrome during the season, and then to compare our roofing project with the total build of a new velodrome in Napier at twice the cost is crazy.
It is why Sport NZ supports the Whanganui project and the appointment of it being a Regional Performance Hub for Cycling NZ. This project is a real positive for our town.
It is not just about roofing a bike track but also creating an events centre to cater for many other events and promotions that can be used 12 months of the year.
Event promoters bypass our town because we just don't have a suitable facility.
The cycling activity alone will cater for riders from Wellington to New Plymouth and across to Hawke's Bay as part of the Regional Performance Hub plus disabled, elderly persons, ACC rehab, physio rehab, corporate and school programmes - plus a nationally accredited skating track.
The Government is supporting this regional facility with a $6 million grant and, as the velodrome roofing project has come out on top of two public referendums, I'm sure most of our community will get behind the current funding group and support them in raising the additional funds.
Our councillors all know that a further business plan is being finalised which, I think, makes four over the years.
Enough planners
I note with interest that Wanganui is to have a new principal planner. Surely we have enough planners now.
What is the Town Centre Regeneration Strategy that you credit the previous principal planner with overseeing?
Unfortunately, this regeneration strategy seems unable to hold back the growth in the number of vacant buildings in the city.
Was not the previous principal planner also the one who rejected the resource consent for the expansion of the Castlecliff Medical Centre?
I believe this planning decision was fortunately overturned by the council.
I am concerned that Wanganui is top heavy with planners and that our council overheads might be increasing faster than our council income.
I am also concerned that our planners are not closely controlled by council and that it takes public outcry, rather than council oversight, to change their decisions.
Other planning departments also seem to come down with debatable decisions, such as Horizons' delay in issuing resource consent with repairs to SH4 adjacent to the City Bridge.
Our own planners seemed to delay repairs required by the 2015 "weather event", perhaps a new principal planner might speed this process.
Right again
Once again, my political prophesies have come to fruition.
Jacinda Ardern is the leader of our country against all expectations, as was my prediction for a Trump presidency in the isolationist United States.
There are a few significant differences, however. Jacinda is young, female, competent and intelligent.
Before the singularity occurs around mid-century, just maybe she will make a difference nationally and on the world stage for the survival of humanity.
Too much expectation for one person? Maybe, but she's a young, energetic female Kiwi, and they can do anything.
Send your letters to: The Editor, Wanganui Chronicle, 100 Guyton St, PO Box 433, Wanganui 4500; or email editor@wanganuichronicle.co.nz